Month: December 2010

  • The Differences Between Candid and Street Photography

    The Differences Between Candid and Street Photography

    Note: This is a guest post from Nathaniel I. Córdova, a rhetoric and media studies professor from Willamette University. I hope you enjoy this great article that he generously offered to share with you guys! — This is a handout originally developed for my students at Willamette University. As such it was designed to be generic and…

  • 10 Tips How to Master Street Photography with the iPhone

    10 Tips How to Master Street Photography with the iPhone

    Hi everyone, my name is Michael, I am a street photographer, I shoot with an iPhone. The iPhone offers me three things that a big camera doesn’t – it is discreet, it is always with me and it is easy to use. I have been using the iPhone since I moved to Melbourne, Australia in…

  • 5 Soulful Reasons Why to Shoot Street Photography

    5 Soulful Reasons Why to Shoot Street Photography

    Note: This post was originally written by Ahg, who is a young and talented street photographer from the Philippines. He originally wrote this post on his Tumblr, and he was generous enough to let me host it on my blog. I made a few edits here and there, but mostly it is untouched. I hope…

  • Featured Street Photographer: Zeno from Glasgow

    Featured Street Photographer: Zeno from Glasgow

    Note: Every Wednesday, I feature street photographers with great skill and soul. For this week, I decided to feature street photographer Gavin Zeno Watson from Glasgow. I first stumbled upon Zeno’s work randomly on Flickr, when he commented on some of my images. I was taken aback by his provocative b/w imagery, and the strong eye…

  • 5 Things that Piss Me Off as a Street Photographer

    5 Things that Piss Me Off as a Street Photographer

    I would say that I’m a pretty mellow and easy-going guy. However as a street photographer, there are some things that really bug me or really annoy me. Hope you have a good laugh and can relate to these 5 things that piss me off as a street photographer.

  • How to Rediscover Your Love of Street Photography

    How to Rediscover Your Love of Street Photography

    If you guys have been noticing, I have been experimenting with many different types of cameras including disposable cameras, my Contax IIIa Film Rangefinder, as well as my camera-phone. After doing this for the last month or so, I have re-kindled my love for shooting in the streets. I just finished a book by Paul…

  • Featured Street Photographer: Jurgen Burgin from Berlin

    Featured Street Photographer: Jurgen Burgin from Berlin

    Note: Every Wednesday, I feature street photographers with great skill and soul. For this week, I decided to feature amazing street photographer Jurgen Burgin. I first stumbled upon Jurgen’s work when he left a comment on my blog, which made me check out his Facebook page. I was mesmerized by his great eye, and wanted to share his…

  • Photo Essay: Students of Phoenix High’s Photography Class

    Photo Essay: Students of Phoenix High’s Photography Class

    Written 2010, December 14th: Currently I am teaching a photography class to under-privileged students in Los Angeles at a high school named Phoenix High. These are the students that I ran my campaign for camera donations for (which you guys helped donate to). Teaching photography to these students is the high point of my week,…

  • The Street Photographer’s Ultimate Christmas List

    The Street Photographer’s Ultimate Christmas List

    So Christmas is around the corner and you have been a good boy/girl this year. So you want to buy a new camera and/or some new lenses? Sure we know that it is the street photographer, not the camera that makes his/her photos amazing. But hey– it is always fun to experiment with new cameras…

  • 75 Degrees of Intimacy – Markus Hartel

    75 Degrees of Intimacy – Markus Hartel

    One doesn’t go up to strange men, women, children, elephants or giraffes and say, “Look this way please. Laugh –cry– show some emotion or go to sleep under a funeral canopy.” From Naked City, Weegee “f8 and be there”, the great Arthur Fellig, better known as Weegee, used to say, which quickly became a popular…

  • Participate in our Christmas Print Exchange!

    Participate in our Christmas Print Exchange!

    Hey guys, I had a great idea for all of us for Christmas. We all love having prints in our homes of other photographers, but it can be pretty expensive at times. So I thought that having a “print exchange” in which photographers can send one another prints would be awesome! So this is how…

  • Disposable Camera Street Photography by Eric Kim

    Disposable Camera Street Photography by Eric Kim

    $5 Disposable Camera from Walgreens. My new street photography camera. When it comes to street photography, I am a huge advocate that it doesn’t matter what camera you have for street photography. You don’t need a $6900 Leica M9 to do street photography–whatever camera you have on you will work. In-fact, there is no “best”…

  • Finding Inspiration from Edward Hopper’s Paintings for Street Photography

    Recently my mother sent me a video released by the National Gallery of Art with paintings from Edward Hopper. His paintings truly show images of life from urban New York, raw and colorful. After watching the video, I saw many wonderful compositions which can inspire any street photographer. Spend the 8 minutes to watch the…

  • An Introduction to Street Photography with Eric Kim

    Hey guys, My wonderful girlfriend/manager Cindy Nguyen is at it again–producing another interview video about myself and an introduction to street photography. I hope you all enjoy it and share it with your friends! See the video on Vimeo.

  • Why All Street Photographers Are Amateurs

    Why All Street Photographers Are Amateurs

    Street photographers are all amateurs. Not to say that we lack skill, insight, or vision– but that we do street photography for the love of it (not the money). Although people typically equate calling someone an amateur in a negative way, the word amateur roots from French meaning “love of.” I know very few (if…

  • Inspirational Video: Spreading The Love of Photography to Under-Privileged Youth

    In October of 2010, I asked the community to donate old digital point and shoot cameras to the Phoenix High Photography Class that I am currently teaching to under-privileged high school youth. To say the least, the response was overwhelming. The first few days I already got donations from Cydney Alexis and Jason Paul Roberts.…

  • Featured Street Photographer: Thomas Leuthard

    Featured Street Photographer: Thomas Leuthard

    Note: Every Wednesday, I feature street photographers with great skill and soul. For this week, I decided to feature amazing street photographer Thomas Leuthard. I first met Thomas online when he decided to generously donate a large sum of money to help support my street photography trip to Beirut, Lebanon. After meeting in Lebanon, he was my…