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What is Empiricism?

To be empirical: “empeiros”; having experienced or practiced a thing. Thus empiricism is perhaps skepticism of knowledge, and using your own real life experiences as a judge and guide of knowledge.

There is much we haven’t experienced first hand in real life. We watch movies, tv shows, read magazines, watch the news, etc. But this is the problem:

Society is currently hijacked by a bunch of “skinny fat” nerds, who only have book knowledge, not embodied and experienced knowledge.

Why does the difference matter?

Modern photographer

I do not believe in an afterlife (Egyptian and Christian-Judeo notion). Why not? I haven’t experienced death, and there is no way to be certain about a (conscious and embodied) afterlife. I believe after I die and my body decomposes in the soil, my protein blocks can one day feed an avocado tree. But this notion of heaven and hell is not empirical by any regards.

The mortal soul

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I think the body is the soul. When your body dies, so does your soul. And when I say soul I mean to say “personality, your character, your ego, or the neuro-chemical-hormonal-electrical-muscular activities in your flesh body).

Why become empirical?

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