iPhone selfie pro

The Magic of Photography

Photography is truly magical — it has the power to transform our reality into something more surreal, beautiful, simple, and elegant.

iPhone selfie pro

The more experienced I become with photography, the more simple, fun, childlike, and wonderful it becomes. As time goes on, I become less dogmatic, more open minded, and have so much more fun with it!

I’ve become more relaxed with what I photograph. Selfies, my food, and my lifestyle.

Why all this new optimism?

The great joy and optimism I’m experiencing is a combination of deep gratitude, simplification of my life, disconnecting from social media, building up arsbeta.com, and realizing my Archimedes lever in life is blogging.

Photography blogging as particularly interesting — harnessing the power of blogging and photo. Isn’t this the ultimate synthesis?

Excitement for new innovations to come

Like animated GIF:

New photography compositions

Or discovering new compositions:

The future for your photography is very bright!