Cindy shadows

Do More With Less.

What is technology? My definition:

The power to do more with less.

Archimedes lever

“Give me a spot to stand, and I can move the world.”


The basic notion of Archimedes Lever:

Determine what is your greatest strength, and figure out how to exploit your strength to the maximum (10x+ gains)

For example, when I started ARS, my goal was to maximize my intelligence/knowledge to create the most open and democratic feedback platform for photographers.

Maximize you.

And this is the thing:

Don’t aspire to the virtues of others; aspire to maximize your own personal strengths and virtues.

Your life is limited. One day you will die. At best you will live to be 120 years old, at worst, you will die (later) today.

My current thinking is this:

Life is too short to be prudent; strive towards your greatest ideals in life.

How to do more

It seems the best way to ‘do more’ is to simply be less distracted. And to me that means:

Don’t do anything you don’t want to do; do more of what you want to do.

For example with my personal creative output (creative productivity), things which have helped me:

  1. The less I use email, the more ideas I come up with, and the more I produce.
  2. The less I care about pleasing others, the more I focus on pleasing myself– which leads to more creative output.
  3. The less I read the news and outside media, the more quiet I have in my brain to actually listen to myself.

Maximize efficiency

So it seems to become more creatively productive, it is all about economization — doing more with less.

For example, what if you could make gasoline engines 10x more efficient? Instead of 30mpg, you could get 300mpg? Perhaps this is the innovation of electric cars — we can use gasoline to power power plants, which eventually help us recharge our electric cars? Perhaps this is more efficient?

Every day is a mini lifetime

Consider that you have a limited amount of ‘energy-life-vigor-power’ in a given 24-hour day. Considering that this limited, how can you take your ‘100 units of energy-life-force-energy’ and maximize it by 10x? What will you decide to do with your day, and what will you decide NOT to do with your day?


Palo Alto, 2019 leica q2
Palo Alto, 2019

Let us assume you cannot “ADD” energy/willpower to yourself and your own day. Determine for yourself:

How will I NOT squander my power, and how can I MAXIMIZE my power in an effective and meaningful way — which is in accordance with my own personal virtues/morals/ethics?