Eric Kim front physique


Is there such a thing as a perfect physique? Also, how does the notion of physique even matter? Why physique?

Did the ancient Greeks even care for physique?

First things first, physique does matter. But how?

First and foremost, physique is important, as the physique of someone is a signal of their strength and health.

For example, when a man looks at a beautiful physique of a woman, what is he looking for? Signs of fitness and strength, and beauty. The man’s desire for beautiful and strong children.

The face

Selfie Eric Kim face

To start off, the face. The face is incredibly important, as the proportions of someone’s face says much about their health, and their genetic fitness.

For example, eye distance. You don’t want eyes which are too close together, or too far apart like a hammerhead shark. Sometimes when you see people with their eyes which are too close together or too far apart, or off center, it is a sign of genetic degeneration, or maybe even inbreeding.

For example, if you look at kids were born with birth defects, their face typically has extra ordinary proportions.

Is there such thing as a perfect physique?

A question; is there such thing as a perfect physique? Either for a man or woman?

Certainly there is a hierarchy of physique. Certainly people who have more skeletal muscle mass, and less body fat adipose tissue look superior to individuals who are overfat.

This is the tricky thing; when it comes to health and human beings, there is some objectivity and some subjectivity.

For example, a man who is 500 pounds and 5 feet tall is objectively not in good health. However, where it gets a little bit more tricky is comparing let’s say a 6 foot tall man, who is 200 pounds with 20% body fat, versus a man who is also 6 foot tall, but 160 pounds with 5% body fat.

Physique trends

Certainly there are certain trends when it comes to physique. For example, it looks like in the 2000s, early 2000s, everyone wanted to look like Brad Pitt from fight club. But however a few years later, everyone wanted to look like the super ripped Spartans from the movie 300. When I watched the extras for the movie 300, it was very interesting how they were early CrossFit routines integrated. The earliest I learned of “functional training“.

This is where I like to study cinema. We get a better sense of which physique were popular in the past, compared to the present. The same goes with studying ancient sculpture, drawings and paintings. For example, studying David by Michelangelo.

What do you want to do with your physique?

Is there anything practical with physique? I say so.

First of all, if you live in modern day society, you probably look at a reflection of yourself 1 million times a day. Also, assuming you shower, and do it without clothes on, do you want to love the way you look naked.

Therefore, it is very important for your own ego and self-esteem to love your own personal physique.

Should you compare your physique to others?

No. Why? Let us say you’re a man, you have no idea if the other guys at the gym, or on the Internet are on steroids, testosterone, or other strange hormone or growth supplements.

Also for women, it is not always 100% obvious or apparent whether other women have had plastic surgery, injections, implants, etc.

How to craft your physique

Pretty straightforward. First of all, increase muscle mass, or skeletal muscle mass. The easiest and most straightforward way to do this is through weightlifting, resistance training.

As your body adapts to lifting heavier and heavier weights, it is a physiological necessity for your body to augment its muscle mass. For another words, if you can deadlift 500 pounds, squat 400 pounds, and benchpress 300 pounds, it is impossible not to have muscles.

Start with your legs

In order to craft your ideal physique, the simple thought is to first start with your legs. Strive to obtain the strongest, most buff, most turbo legs, and turbo thighs, and thunder thighs possible.

Start with the big lifts. Deadlift and squat. Even with women; the woman with the most impressive physiques can actually deadlift and squat big numbers.

Everything else

Then, other supplemental stuff. For example, if you want to build a bigger chest and triceps, do floor bench press. Or dumbbell press.

Also what I say is this: if you want to maximize your muscle mass, don’t worry so much about boring repetitions and stuff. Instead, just focus on doing “one rep maxes”, with the heaviest weight possible, once.

If you want bigger shoulders, and deltoids, overhead shoulder press.

It seems the best exercise for bicep, back and traps is the deadlift. Otherwise, weighted chinups (I recommend neutral grip).

What to eat?

Eat a lot of red meat, the more saturated fat and cholesterol the better.

No need to eat carbs, starch, or consume supplement or protein powder or creatine. Everything you need is in red meat, beef, lamb etc.