

A thought: it seems that the ultimate luxury we have is the luxury of ease of mind.

The misconception is that people think that Spartans were spartan for the sake of being Spartan. However, this is not the case. Spartans organize their society to ensure the maximal amount of personal freedom in their lives. Thus, a life focused on military exercises, because ultimately when push comes to shove, it is the strength of a nations military which ensures their freedom.

How did the Spartans achieve this? They had the helots to do their hateful labor, and focused their life on military exercises, and other manly things.

Then the question becomes: how do we actually focus our life to create a new modern day Sparta?

I think the first step is to become self-employed, becoming an entrepreneur. Then getting into powerlifting.

Also, disregard for soft concepts like “saving the planet”. Focus and self determination on one’s own self development.

As a practical thought, don’t focus on “minimalism”. Rather, simple Spartan austerity as a form of *strengthening*, not *weakening*. Many people who follow minimalism are weak— both physically and soulfully.

Spartan tools

  1. iPhone SE
  2. iPad Pro
  3. Vibram 5 finger shoes
  4. All black everything attire
  5. No car
  6. No home ownership
  7. Costco business membership for meat
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