apple selfie

Apple is a Photography Company

This is where I am bullish about Apple:

Apple is a photography company.


How did Apple take over the world?

We live in a world of images. Image culture is:

It isn’t what we actually are, but what we *SEEM* to be (image).

street portrait apple store ERIC KIM Ricoh covid 19

In praise of iPad

Anything that even marginally helps us in our creative pursuits, and visual artistry as photographers is good. This is where I think iPad is great:

The ultimate tool for experiencing visual images.

The iPhone as a camera that happens to make phone calls

Why do people get an iPhone or upgrade their iPhone? Simple– the camera!

Even when we look at the direction the iPhone is going — it is:

Keep making the camera better.

The future of Apple?

I say the biggest improvements can be made in software, specifically– Apple Photos. For myself, I have practically ditched Adobe Lightroom in favor for Apple Photos. Why? Better sync between all my devices (iPad, iPhone, MacBook Pro). Also simpler and faster.


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