Happiness not as a state you must achieve, but the active flux of always aspiring for more.

I don’t say aspiring for more money (this is too basic)— but aspiring for more energy, strength, power, physiological wellness (the “great healthiness” as Nietzsche calls it), greater goals, the desire to see more, experience more, risk more, test more, and experiment more! And of course, create more (whether to create more children or art!). “Liberi aut libri”(Children or books) as Nietzsche also says in his Latin pun.

The active flux or change over time — the witnessing of your own strength augmenting over time whether it be more reps in an exercise, a higher one rep max, more lofty turbo thoughts — this is pure joy.

The Philosophy of Happiness

Seoul, 2012

If you’re seeking more happiness and tranquility in your photography, read the articles below:

  1. How to Boost Your Mood
  2. How to Maximize Your Happiness
  3. Life Without Photography is Not a Life Worth Living
  4. 10 Tips to Be Happier and More Loving in Life
  5. How to Find Happiness in Your Photography
  6. How to Find Satisfaction in Your Photography
  7. 30 Tips to Conquer G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
  8. 55 Tips to Be Happier in Life
  9. On the Shortness of Life
  10. Small is Beautiful
  11. Photography (and Life) is About Subtraction, Not Addition
  12. Why Envy Any Other Photographer?
  13. How to Be Happy in All Circumstances
  14. Desire the Life You Already Have
  15. Should You Shoot if You Don’t Want To?
  16. Live a Life of Leisure
  17. Good Enough
  18. 28 Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
  19. 27 Lessons I’ve Learned About Photography and Life
  20. 26 Lessons Life Has Taught Me About Street Photography
  21. Desire
  22. Good Enough
  23. Things I Am Grateful For
  24. How to Die Without Regrets
  25. 12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Have More Happiness in Street Photography
  26. Having No Choices is the Ultimate Freedom
  27. How to Be Grateful For What You Have
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