What is mood? Mood is your physiological condition. How much energy, hype, motivation and energy you have in your muscles.
The trillion dollar question: how does one improve their mood?
Mood is a physiological thing, which first starts in the body (not the mind)
First mistake: we believe mood is purely mental. And we believe the mental is the *origin* of mood. No. The origin of mood is physiological; rooted in your body.
For example simply put, if you’re horribly sleep deprived, it is impossible to be in a good mood. While sleeping well isn’t fully conclusive to a good mood, it seems to be a necessary component. Thus the first thought:
Without sleeping well, it is impossible to have a good mood.
Thus if your objective is to maximize your mood, optimize your life and lifestyle for great sleep. Be like Tom Brady who religiously gets into bed every night at 7:30pm.
Leaving your home
To maximize your mood, spend more time *out* of your home. More time walking outdoors, in the park, at the grocery store, getting some coffee at the local coffee shop, and getting the maximal amount of walking and natural light during the day.
Without music, life would be a mistake.
If you’re stuck at home, invest in a good speaker system with strong bass. My theory is that bass mimics the beating of the human heart and thus when you listen to music with a strong bassline, you will feel more hyped up and energized.
The great joy of art
Stronger visual stimuli. I typically prefer visual images as they’re quicker to consume. I often don’t have the patience to watch movies or films.

Invest in some happy lamps
A ‘happy lamp’ — just buy a shitload of bright lights for your home. I found that light to be the #1 mood-booster. In fact, the optimal house to me would just be an insulated glass house. The more natural light I have (or artificial light), the more energy I feel. I feel like a plant; photosynthesis.
The Philosophy of Happiness
If you’re seeking more happiness and tranquility in your photography, read the articles below:
- How to Maximize Your Happiness
- Life Without Photography is Not a Life Worth Living
- 10 Tips to Be Happier and More Loving in Life
- How to Find Happiness in Your Photography
- How to Find Satisfaction in Your Photography
- 30 Tips to Conquer G.A.S. (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
- 55 Tips to Be Happier in Life
- On the Shortness of Life
- Small is Beautiful
- Photography (and Life) is About Subtraction, Not Addition
- Why Envy Any Other Photographer?
- How to Be Happy in All Circumstances
- Desire the Life You Already Have
- Should You Shoot if You Don’t Want To?
- Live a Life of Leisure
- Good Enough
- 28 Lessons I’ve Learned From Life
- 27 Lessons I’ve Learned About Photography and Life
- 26 Lessons Life Has Taught Me About Street Photography
- Desire
- Good Enough
- Things I Am Grateful For
- How to Die Without Regrets
- 12 Scientifically Proven Ways to Have More Happiness in Street Photography
- Having No Choices is the Ultimate Freedom
- How to Be Grateful For What You Have