13 New Photography Assignment Ideas for You

ERIC KIM selfie red

Fresh from the ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER >

Dear friends,

Sending you lots of love from sunny Providence Rhode Island. Feeling pretty good, and have a good caffeine buzz from my light-roast blonde coffee (Wink Coffee from Amazon), and had some turbo photo thoughts to share with you:

  1. Play around with Google Photos: photos.google.com is quite fun from the desktop. You can also play around with their desktop Google Photos app for auto uploads. Upload your favorite photos, organize, and figure out how to best represent your work.
  2. Upload your best photos to arsbeta.com and also start giving real critiques to other photos in the ARS community.
  3. If you got a digital RICOH GR I, II, or III, play around with the ‘cross process’ JPEG filter. It looks really good. I think Fujifilm also has one too.
  4. Peruse my free BOOKS section, and download the ones which interest you. Just steal an interesting idea here or there. I also encourage skim-reading.
  5. Buy a Fujifilm Instax Mini camera (Amazon, or BH Photo) and just start having fun shooting instant photos during COVID or quarantine!
  6. Start shooting selfies of yourself at home. Experiment with different lighting, angles, etc. Shoot yourself in the bathroom, hallway, next to the window. Also shoot selfies of your hands and feet.
  7. Create your own e-book of your best photos (publish as PDF) in Google Slides or the iBooks Author tool (free for Mac computers on desktop Mac or MacBook laptop).
  8. Ditch Adobe Lightroom and start experimenting with the default Apple Photos (I do not like Adobe’s new subscription model). If you got a PC, get Photo Mechanic instead. If you got a MacBook Pro laptop with a Touch Bar, using Apple Photos and the Touch Bar to favorite or rotate or edit your photos is actually very fun!
  9. If you got a new iPhone or a new smartphone with an ultra-wide angle lens, only shoot ultra-wide angle for a week!
  10. Start your own website-blog. Signup on bluehost.com and install wordpress.org. Prices start at only $3.95 a month … that is even cheaper than Netflix!!! If you want to learn how to build your own website-blog on WordPress, enroll in my online Udemy Course: “Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship“.
  11. Peruse the HAPTIC SHOP for cool stuff. You can also peep our shop on AMAZON >
  12. Perhaps use quarantine as a chance to learn how to shoot film. You can learn how to process your own film at home … you got so much free time now!
  13. Give away one of your old digital cameras to a friend, family member, niece, nephew, child, or someone who you think can use it better than you! Double-dipping; you feel good about it, and you give them a tool to empower them to make new photos!

What is ERIC KIM up to?

A list:

  1. Currently reading Galen on the Natural Faculties (PDF link). Galen was essentially the second-best physician-philosopher of all-time after Hippocrates (we know the Hippocratic oath, “First do no harm”). Now in the COVID-19 time, it seems medical ethics is far more important than ever. My essay: “Growth vs Becoming
  2. Working out a lot at home and in my home gym, trying to maximize my gains!
  3. Maximizing my blogging, photo-making, vlogging, video, YouTube, and Podcast. Taking life less seriously; having more fun!

Your photo assignment

Simple photo assignment:

Photograph your own hand.

Make it as artsy-fartsy as you want. Use high contrast monochrome, or color. Use a flash or natural light. Experiment with different angles, or your different hands. Then upload your #1 best photo to arsbeta.com to get (and give) feedback.

Have fun and go shoot!

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