How I Work

I’ve always been curious how others work. I cannot speak for others, but let me invite you into my mind and my personal creative working process:

Cycle between your devices

First idea:

There is no perfect creative productivity device. For myself, the optimal solution seems to be to cycle between laptop (MacBook), tablet (iPad), and phone.

My laptop/desktop theory

First of all, let me outline how I work and my personal theory.

I treat my ‘Downloads’ folder like my ‘working cache’, which means:

Whenever I am working on stuff, I keep it in my Downloads folder. When I am done with it, I delete it, and clear my trash.

Clear desktop, clear mind.

Why do I do this? My thought:

The more often I can keep my laptop clean of files, the more new ideas I can let my mind create. Also, I am able to “move on”.

When we got too much stuff on our Desktop, it inhibits us. Also, the time wasted to find files.

I am a HUGE proponent of deleting. Backing up is just digital hoarding. Better to delete.

My mantra:

When in doubt, delete.

How I iPad

I believe iPad is one of the most underrated creative productivity tools. The problem — most people use it for entertainment, not for CREATING art-things.

Personally, I love:

  • ProCreate App (making graphic art)
  • Zen Brush 2 (calligraphy)
  • iA WRITER (for writing)