travel notes mobile edition cover

TRAVEL NOTES: Mobile Edition

Dear streettogs,

If you are hungry to empower yourself to go on more epic and daring photographic adventures, I present to you: TRAVEL NOTES Mobile Edition (optimized for all of your devices for your ‘on the go’ lifestyle):


First of all, what is TRAVEL NOTES?

We first published TRAVEL NOTES as a print edition (in hyper-orange), as a beautiful and handy guide to inspire and motivate you to travel more:

TRAVEL NOTES: Print Edition

A sneak-preview to the spreads:

Why Mobile?

We then thought (and heard lots of great feedback):

Why not make it into a convenient MOBILE edition — which can be on our phones, iPads, laptops, or anywhere we are?


Why get TRAVEL NOTES Mobile Edition?

Our ambition with TRAVEL NOTES Mobile edition is this:

  1. To encourage you to travel more, and become more adventurous!
  2. The convenience of getting TRAVEL NOTES immediately (direct download)
  3. The empowerment of having TRAVEL NOTES always with you, regardless of where you are.
  4. To accompany and inspire/motivate you during your travels

Will Traveling Make Me Happier?

I think so. Why?

  1. When you travel, you step outside of your comfort zone.
  2. When we step outside our comfort zone, we see the world with fresh new eyes
  3. When we see the world with fresh new eyes, we become more empowered! We see the world with a ‘beginner’s mind’, or ‘child’s mind’– which allows us to discover more joy and beauty in everything in life!

TRAVEL NOTES is the small little spark to encourage you to travel more, and become more adventurous! Also to discover more personal meaning in your photography, travel, and life while you’re on the road.

Invest in yourself

TRAVEL NOTES Mobile Edition is only $10 USD. That is cheaper than two frappucinos at Starbucks. Not only that, but this is my thought:

If 10 dollars can re-spark my passion for photography and travel, it is the BEST investment I can make in myself.

Buy Travel Notes Print Edition, get Travel Notes Mobile Edition for Free

Super awesome deal:

If you buy TRAVEL NOTES (Print Edition) you will also get Travel Notes (Mobile Edition) for FREE!

When you purchase TRAVEL NOTES (Print Edition) here, you will automatically get direct access to download Travel Notes (Mobile Edition) for free. This is the best to get the “best of both worlds”:

Having BOTH the print edition AND the digital edition.

I still think the print edition of Travel Notes is the best, as there are tons of prompts you can fill in, write in, and accompany you with. The reason we also designed it in hyper-orange is to make it visible inside your black bag, and also the color is optimized to SPARK passion in you — to be that little spark to motivate you to book that next travel, and travel more!

Never stop traveling,



Umbrella and flash in color. Kyoto, 2017

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