Just because others have photographed it before doesn’t mean you shouldn’t photograph it!

Originality in photography is overrated.

Just attempt it!

I recently read Virgil’s Aeneid and re-read Homer’s Iliad, as well as some scholarly critiques on Virgil. Most scholars seem to say that Virgil was just a bad copy of Homer. But to be honest better to have a “copycat” Homer (Virgil) than no Virgil.

Why originality is overrated

In art, there are only so many subjects you can create or include in your artwork. Ultimately all themes go back to humans, human morals, human ethics, and human virtues. Thus all (great) art is human-centric.

Human-centric photography

We as photographers also like to photograph and document humanity. All humans are original. Thus all the photos you make of humans will always be “original”!

Do it for yourself

Just photograph anything you enjoy. No need for originality. Just shoot it, appreciate it, move on, and never stop shooting!

Become looser, more open, and more free in your photography!