Go Further!

Aren’t you curious what your limit is? Aren’t you curious how far you can fly?

Motivation, movement, flight. Never stand still.

We never know what the road ahead holds in store for us. And like a great white shark, we need to keep swimming or we will sink to the bottom of the sea.

Are you excited to wake up in the morning?

When you wake up in the morning is your instinct to jump out of bed, make a bomb espresso, and get ready to conquer today? Or would you prefer to stay in bed?

If you wanna stay in bed, and feel no motivation to live or conquer today — don’t blame yourself or your “weakness of will”. Probably the real culprit is a physiological one —

  • Did you sleep enough?
  • Do you have a hangover from drinking alcohol the night before, or do you feel “washed” from smoking too much weed the night before?
  • Did you stay up too late last night, because you were overstimulated watching a film, show, or Netflix?
  • Are you not in physical shape? Perhaps you need to walk more, stand more, and lift more.

My current theory is that mood, motivation, and happiness is a physiological state of the body. Currently psychologists think that 95% of our depression and “mental illnesses” actually come from the mind. I think it comes from the body (lack of physical exertion and stimulation), which manifests itself in the mind (after the fact).

So to feel more motivated, inspired, and happy in life — perhaps we should prioritize our bodies, movement, and physical fitness above everything else.

Art as the ultimate motivator in life

Be inspired to live more via art — your own artwork or the artwork of others.

If photography is your passion, photography is your artwork.

Thus, prioritize your own photo-art.

Thrive on!



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