Boston frosted window, 2018

Life Update From Boston

Dear friend,

I am currently writing these lines in (cold) Boston — a city which is incredibly beautiful, historic, and has fascinating juxtapositions.

Stay updated with life and travel updates on ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER >

Around the streets you see a diverse mix of folks– locals, transplanted students, and techies all around. I’m writing these lines (while standing) in a hipster coffee shop, and I can also say the coffee here is good.

Why are we in Boston?

Boston frosted window, 2018
Boston frosted window, 2018

Cindy and I are currently crashing at our friends’ place in Cambridge, and been enjoying our deep and long conversations with them on life, friendship, and on our aspirations and hopes in life. My favorite pleasures have been just cooking food at home, shopping together at Trader Joe’s, reading, sharing ideas, debating, and thinking of big ideas.

Campbell soup. Target, Boston 2018
Campbell soup. Target, Boston 2018

You might be wondering– why are we in (cold) Boston out of all places? I have a NYC workshop coming soon, and before going there, we wanted to see some of our friends in Boston. One life lesson I’ve learned in life: the joy of friendship is one of the greatest joys in life. Any opportunity to see friends is a good one.

What are we working on?

Cindy at work. Boston, 2018
Cindy at work. Boston, 2018

Cindy is currently (still) at work on her Ph.D. Dissertation work, revising her chapters, while working on some cool stuff for HAPTIC. For about two weeks in London, we did a HAPTICLABS London Internship with my sister Annette, where we were able to churn out (3!) books:

  1. STREET HUNT: Street Photography Field Assignments Manual
  2. HOW TO SEE: Visual Guide to Composition, Color, & Editing in Photography
  3. ZEN OF ERIC (will be released in the next few weeks).

I’ve personally been having a lot of fun teaching myself more Adobe Indesign (what we use to design these books), also teaching myself how to make beats on Garageband and making iMovie Slideshows on YouTube


The next few weeks, I’m also starting work on a new video Photography Entrepreneurship Course, which I am excited to distill all of the lessons I’ve learned about Entrepreneurship. I also want to use this opportunity to reflect on why I prefer to be self-employed, what it means to be an ‘entrepreneur’, and whether this lifestyle is actually good for others.

New Essays/Articles

Blue salt and red background. Boston, 2018
Blue salt and red background. Boston, 2018

I’ve also been hard at work coming up with new ideas and articles for you. Some recent ones:

  1. How to dictate your purpose in life
  2. How to express your creative instinct
  3. 5 Night Street Photography Composition Tips
  4. How to Be Optimistic in Life
  5. How to Act in Life
  6. In Praise of Simple Photography
  7. 5 Dynamic Off-Center Street Photography Compositions
  8. 15 Practical, Fun, and Creative Photography Assignments to Reinspire You
  9. SHOOT!
  10. How to Shoot Photos Everyday


Blurry Cindy shot through foggy car window. Boston, 2018
Blurry Cindy shot through foggy car window. Boston, 2018

I hope that in these cold winter months, you can be inspired to make art everyday, be creative everyday, and allow your creative instinct to express itself, without hesitation or self-censorship, and to just dance!