Kyoto Life Update: CREATIVE EVERYDAY, New Workshops, and Phone Photography

Cover for upcoming CREATIVE EVERYDAY book by HAPTICPRESS
Cover for upcoming CREATIVE EVERYDAY book by HAPTICPRESS
Cover for upcoming CREATIVE EVERYDAY book by HAPTICPRESS

Dear friend, it’s been a while!

I’m currently writing these words from our AirBnB in Kyoto, ready for the upcoming Kyoto Zen Photo Experience (Sept 9-10).

Hello from Kyoto!

Group selfie with Cindy, Jennifer, and Annette

I’m currently here with my two sisters (Annette Kim and Jennifer) where we are working with Cindy to create a new book titled: “CREATIVE EVERYDAY”. It will be a new book that is designed to help you be (yes) CREATIVE EVERYDAY — learn more by watching this YouTube interview with my sister Annette on
why be creative everyday?

I truly believe that real ‘happiness’ comes from the Greek word: “Eudaimonia” — which means ‘human flourishing.’ I think we are happiest when we are in ACTIVE CREATION — making pictures, making paintings, drawing, and just playing and having fun. Above is the cover design, which was hand-made by Annette (took her about 20 hours in Adobe In-Design, where she made all the designs by hand).

New Workshops in NYC + Europe

I’m also excited to share new upcoming street photography workshops, specifically my new NYC Conquer Your Fears Street Photography Workshop (October 14-15, 2017). You can see all my upcoming workshops below:

Waiting list & Workshop Inquiries:

Tentative Europe Workshop Tour

Also very fun, Cindy and I are (already) planning our tentative Europe tour, here are some potential dates:

  • November 15-19: Prague (week-long)
  • November 25-26: Amsterdam
  • December 2-3: London
  • December 9-10: Berlin

The Zen of Phone Photography

Shot on OnePlus 5 with Google HDR+. Phenomenal detail.

Also on an unrelated note, I’ve been having a lot of fun shooting textures on a phone camera. I wrote about his a lot in my article: “Why Computational Photography is So Revolutionary” — see my test photographs on the OnePlus 5 and the Google HDR+ Camera Mode.

Also see why I enjoy shooting with a phone: The Zen of Phone Photography

My sister Annette Kim. Google Nexus 6P, HDR + Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

To stay updated with our pictures of our journey in Kyoto, check out:

As always, thank you so much for your support, love, and walking with us on this (crazy) journey of life together.

Eric, Cindy, Annette and Jennifer