The Pomodoro Photography Technique

eric kim color chroma airplane downtown la poles

eric kim color chroma airplane downtown la poles

If you have photographer’s block, or lacking inspiration to shoot— set a timer for 25 minutes, and do nothing but photograph for those 25 minutes.

Thank you to Cindy for the idea.

The Pomodoro Technique

eric kim photography - cindy project - film - 35mm - leica mp - kodak- portra - 40013
Playing chess with Cindy. East Lansing, Michigan, 2014

When I used to have writer’s block; I used a technique called the ‘pomodoro technique.’ The same concept— you set a timer to 25 minutes, and work nonstop on one task for 25 minutes, and then you take a 5 minute break. That is called 1 ‘pomodoro.’ It is called the ‘pomodoro’ technique, because the man who started it used a tomato-shaped kitchen timer (pomodoro is a tomato).

I know a lot of people who use the pomodoro technique to overcome resistance, and get more work done. It works well for Cindy.

I no longer use the pomodoro technique; but I think it might work well in photography.

3 steps: Photography Pomodoro Technique

eric kim photography - cindy project - film - 35mm - leica mp - kodak- portra - 40054

Here is how to do the ‘pomodoro’ photography technique:

  1. Set your smartphone timer to 25 minutes, and set it to airplane mode.
  2. Go to an area you want to photograph, and only photograph for 25 minutes.
  3. Stop photographing once your timer buzzes.

I think this will help you overcome any sort of resistance, or creative blocks in your photography.

Try it out, and see if it helps you.


For more inspiration to overcome your photographer’s block, pick up a copy of “Street Notes

Motivate yourself >


Just shoot it:

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Garden Grove, 2016 #cindyproject