Month: October 2012

  • Flying out from Michigan, Heading to Tokyo!

    Currently in Michigan, and getting ready to head to Tokyo. Before I left, I wanted to make this video to share a little of what’s in my bag, what I am preparing for the trip, some of my reflections about shooting street photography on film the last 10 months, what you have to look forward…

  • Capturing The Spirit of Detroit: Video Interview with Brian Day, Street Photographer

    Capturing The Spirit of Detroit: Video Interview with Brian Day, Street Photographer

    The past weekend I had the great pleasure of catching up with Brian Day, a street photographer based in Detroit. I first met Brian Day through a reference by my manager, Neil Ta – and ever since I met Brian (like Neil) I have had a serious bro crush on him. Not only is he…

  • Street Photography Magazine, “Radiate” Issue 3 Available!

    Street Photography Magazine, “Radiate” Issue 3 Available!

    I am excited to share that Stu Egan has recently published Issue 3 of Radiate Magazine. This issue contains great photography by Kaushal Parikh, Tony Marciante, Abby Robinson, Zisis Kardianos, Andrew Kochanowski, Gustavo Gomes and Tony Spatara. With over 100 pages of photography and interviews, this is definitely something you will love. While the PDF download…

  • Street Photography Weekly Assignment #9: “Sensuality/Sexuality” Winner

    Street Photography Weekly Assignment #9: “Sensuality/Sexuality” Winner

    I am excited that for this week’s winner for the “Sensuality/Seuxality” theme chosen by last week’s winner Timothy Cadman is Josefiel Rivera! Definition of Sensuality (by the Merriam-Webster dictionary): The relating to or consisting in the gratification of the senses or the indulgence of appetite. Definition of Sexuality (by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary): The quality or state of being sexual. The…

  • Capturing The Simplicity in Chaos: The Street Photographs of Matt Obrey from the UK

    Capturing The Simplicity in Chaos: The Street Photographs of Matt Obrey from the UK

    Eric’s Note: I am happy to share the work of Matt Obrey, a street photographer based in the UK. He is part of the new revisedMEDIA collective, and I love his use of light, simplicity, and black & white + color for his work. In the streets where chaos reigns supreme, he is able to…

  • Alec Soth Lecture and Film Screening, Today Oct. 25, 7:00PM at the Detroit Film Theater

    Alec Soth Lecture and Film Screening, Today Oct. 25, 7:00PM at the Detroit Film Theater

    (Above video: Trailer for “Somewhere to Disappear“) Eric’s Note: Brian Day, fellow street photographer from Detroit, just passed along this information regarding a unique opportunity to meet Alec Soth, Magnum Photographer. More information about the event below: Brian: Just thought I’d pass this along for those of you within reach of the Detroit area. The Detroit Film…

  • Capturing The Disappearing Faces of Chicago: Interview with Brian Soko, Street Photographer

    Capturing The Disappearing Faces of Chicago: Interview with Brian Soko, Street Photographer

    Eric’s Note: Brian Soko is a street photographer based in Chicago, Illinois. I was first introduced to Brian’s work by Jason Martini, another street photographer based in Chicago. Brian is a native of Chicago, and has been shooting there for many years- and has experienced the changes and evolution of the city. Armed with his…

  • The Challenges and Rewards of Shooting Street Photography With a Medium-Format TLR Camera

    The Challenges and Rewards of Shooting Street Photography With a Medium-Format TLR Camera

    Eric’s Note: This guest blog post is by Christian Nilson, a street photographer based in Zurich. Christian attended my Introduction to Street Photography Workshop in Berlin this year, and upon meeting Juliane Eirich (one of my guest lecturers) and seeing her work, he decided to experimenting using a square-format TLR. In his article below he…

  • Venice/Verona Introduction to Composition/Design Workshop Student Photos & Snapshots

    Venice/Verona Introduction to Composition/Design Workshop Student Photos & Snapshots

    The Week-Long Introduction to Composition/Design Workshop in Venice/Verona with Adam Marelli was a huge blast. Not only did we have the opportunity to explore the beauty, architecture, and history of Venice/Verona – but we also were able to enjoy the great foods, wines, and sights there. The support and energy from all of the workshop…

  • The Psychadelic Color Film Street Photography of Sean Lotman from Kyoto

    The Psychadelic Color Film Street Photography of Sean Lotman from Kyoto

    (“The Troublemaker” – Kyoto, Japan. Sean Lotman) Eric’s Note: I am excited to share this feature with Sean Lotman, a film street photographer currently based out of Kyoto. His colors are phenomenal, have great richness, and soul. He will also be teaching alongside myself, Bellamy Hunt, and Junku Nishimura in our upcoming Kyoto Introduction to…

  • Interview with Jason Eskenazi on “Wonderland: A Fairytale of the Soviet Monolith” – A 10-Year Odyssey Around the Former Soviet Union

    Interview with Jason Eskenazi on “Wonderland: A Fairytale of the Soviet Monolith” – A 10-Year Odyssey Around the Former Soviet Union

    (All photographs in this article copyrighted by Jason Eskenazi) Eric’s Note: I am pleased to share this interview that two cute dogs did with Jason Eskenazi on his stunning book, “Wonderland: A Fairytale of the Soviet Monolith“. The book is a journey through the former Soviet Union that took Eskenazi 10 years to complete. The original interview was…

  • 11 Lessons Diane Arbus Can Teach You About Street Photography

    11 Lessons Diane Arbus Can Teach You About Street Photography

    (All photographs copyrighted by the Estate of Diane Arbus) Diane Arbus is a photographer that has a very profound impact on me. When I first saw her photograph of the “grenade kid” — it hit me in the chest and has burned itself in my mind ever since. Upon studying more of Diane Arbus’ work…

  • Home is Where the Heart Is

    After traveling for the last several months, I really enjoyed the last two weeks relaxing and recuperating in East Lansing, my new home in Michigan with Cindy. It has helped me work on some writing that I have been meaning to do (on Magnum Contact Sheets and Bruce Davidson) and catch up on some work.…

  • 3 Reasons Why You Should Use the iPhone 5 For Street Photography by Mike Avina

    3 Reasons Why You Should Use the iPhone 5 For Street Photography by Mike Avina

    (Above photograph shot on the iPhone 5 by Mike Avina) Eric’s Note: I’m sure many of you are curious about the performance of the iPhone 5’s camera for street photography. Fellow street photographer Mike Avina has spent around a week or two with the iPhone 5, and here are some of his impressions. You can…

  • Discover the Streets of Calcutta, India: Week-long Introduction to Design/Composition Workshop with Eric Kim and Adam Marelli (12/10-12/14)

    Discover the Streets of Calcutta, India: Week-long Introduction to Design/Composition Workshop with Eric Kim and Adam Marelli (12/10-12/14)

    Join Eric Kim and Adam Marelli… Street Photography Workshop: Introduction to Design/Composition Calcutta [INDIA] – December 10th-14th Eric’s Note: I am excited to announce that I will be teaching another unique 5-day workshop in Calcutta, India with NYC  photographer and master composition teacher Adam Marelli. Adam Marelli has a keen eye for design, composition, and capturing “the…

  • Interview with Maciej Dakowicz on his “Cardiff After Dark” book Published by Thames & Hudson

    Interview with Maciej Dakowicz on his “Cardiff After Dark” book Published by Thames & Hudson

    Maciej Dakowicz is a Polish photographer, traveller, organiser of photo trips and gallerist living in London, UK. He holds a PhD in computer science, but abandoned science to focus on photography. He is one of the founders of Third Floor Gallery in Cardiff, a member of the Wideangle photo agency and the un-posed Polish street photography collective. He has worked on various…

  • 15 Lessons Bruce Davidson Can Teach You About Street Photography

    15 Lessons Bruce Davidson Can Teach You About Street Photography

    (All photographs in this article are copyrighted by Bruce Davidson / Magnum Photos / Steidl) Bruce Davidson is a photographer that I deeply look up to and admire. He first started taking pictures when he was around 10 years old, and has now shot for a span of over 60 years. He has covered many…

  • Miami Street Photography Festival 2012 (December 7-9th) featuring Alex Webb, Rebecca Norris Webb, and Maggie Steber

    Miami Street Photography Festival 2012 (December 7-9th) featuring Alex Webb, Rebecca Norris Webb, and Maggie Steber

    (Photograph copyrighted by Alex Webb / Magnum Photos) I am excited to share the first upcoming Miami Street Photography Festival 2012. It will be featuring some of my favorite photographers, including Alex Webb (Magnum Photos), Rebecca Norris Webb (photographer, author, poet), and Maggie Steber (National Geographic). It will be a very unique 3-day event, showcasing…

  • Book Review: Magnum Contact Sheets

    Book Review: Magnum Contact Sheets

    One of the most valuable books I currently have in my library is Magnum Contact Sheets. It is a book that was put out by Thames and Hudson in the last year or so, and contains over 139 contact sheets from 69 Magnum Photographers. For those of you who are not familiar with contact sheets,…

  • “Our City. Our Life” Photo Exhibition from Street Photographer Travis Jensen @ Galette 88, Thursday (10/4) from 6-9PM

    “Our City. Our Life” Photo Exhibition from Street Photographer Travis Jensen @ Galette 88, Thursday (10/4) from 6-9PM

    If you are in the bay area make sure to check out Travis Jensen‘s solo exhibition in San Francisco this Thursday (10/4) at Galette 88. Travis is a street and documentary photographer, and his show will be a mix of candid street scenes, street portratirue, and other urban environmental scenes. Unfortunately I’m in Michigan so…