What Do We Really Want From Photography?

Cindy in Ryokan. Uji, Kyoto 2017
Cindy in Ryokan. Uji, Kyoto 2017

Simple: to EXPLORE and be more adventurous.


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I hate IT

I remember when I used to be cooped up in the flourescent-lit basement of my IT job, as an undergraduate. I was like in a cave, trapped, with nowhere to go.

I thought Photography was my passion.

I might have been wrong.

Instead, perhaps my passion was meeting new people, exploring new places, taking more risks in life, being more adventurous, learning about different cultures (and integrating these cultural beliefs into my own daily life), and having an artistic outlet.

I feel you

Selfie in tv.

Many of us are trapped in cubicle hell. We see photography as a form of escapism… we think that photography will give us the chance to ESCAPE our boring day jobs.

So photography is really an excuse for us to be more ADVENTUROUS.

Will photography make us more adventurous?

Selfie in kyoto. Eric Kim.

But the thing is… Photography won’t make us more adventurous.

Rather, the only way to be more adventurous is to actually be more adventurous. To spend less time indoors, and more time outdoors, walking more, taking different walking paths, exploring new neighborhoods in our own town, and also traveling abroad and internationally.

Buying a new camera won’t make you more adventurous.

Why be adventurous?

Sneak peak of new spread from upcoming book, MASTERS by HAPTIC
Sneak peak of new spread from upcoming book, MASTERS by HAPTIC

I think it’s in our DNA to be explorers, adventurers, and conquerors.

An amoeba constantly moves, looking for more resources, and absorbs whatever is around it.

A tree will always move, grow, towards the light… and put its roots deeper and deeper into the earth, seeking more and more nutrients.


Modern day society has robbed us of our creative and explorative spirit. When we were kids, we were adventurous and always seeking fun and novelty.

Now, we are like lions, stuck in a gold cage. Fed three square meals a day, turning fat, flabby, and no more zest for danger.

As kids, we cannot stand or sit still. We have to be “trained” to sit in a chair for hours on end.

You will not die


I also had the realization:in today’s world, as long as you are obedient, good at answering emails, and can sit in boring meetings for hours on end, you will not starve to death. In fact, you will have a good and comfortable life. Enough money to buy the newest iPhone every year, perhaps a low-end BMW, once a year vacations to somewhere exotic, and no fear of death.

But… is that what our idea of an epic, heroic, and noble life?

Three yellow Dots on black background

In Ancient Greek Times, ultimate glory came through death in combat for your country. Now, perhaps our idea of “success” is having enough to send your kids to college and putting a down payment on a house.

Photography isn’t the point, the point is to be more adventurous

Man at the shore. Marseille, 2013
Man at the shore. Marseille, 2013

I love photography. But it can be a distraction.

For example, rather than focusing on being more adventurous and risk taking in life, we just hope that the new new camera, or that new new phone camera will somehow “unlock” our inner genius, and improve our artwork, and the way we see the world.

I’m sorry, but that never happens.

What I do to make myself more adventurous

Plane and telephone pole wires. Downtown LA, 2013
Plane and telephone pole wires. Downtown LA, 2013

How to be more adventurous in life, and in your photography, here are some things I do:

  1. Opt to spend money on experiences, traveling, new restaurants, new coffee shops, or new neighborhoods… instead of buying “stuff”. This will help inject more novelty, randomness, and serendipity into your life.
  2. Take more risks in your photography. In street photography, use a flash. Get closer to your subjects. Shoot from super low angles, or super high angles. Make more dynamic compositions by tilting your camera, and taking more compositional risks.
  3. Avoid boredom:Try out new things, new activities, new hobbies, or avoid doing the same thing everyday. If any new hobby or artistic interest appeals to you, just do it. Don’t ask for anyone’s opinion, or feel guilty about it. Just do it.

What does photography mean to you?

Eyes woman. Close up macro. Green. Glasses.

Of course this is all just my opinion.

What does photography mean to you… and why do you make pictures? Share your thoughts on ERIC KIM FORUM.




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