1. ZEN OUT: No email, no outside correspondences. Try to avoid taking to other people. Like Nietzsche said — “strict refusal of letters”.
    2. Walk. If you walked 50 miles a day… certainly you would be an insanely productive thinker!
    3. Nature: Walking on uneven surfaces in nature, up high grades, seeing great views and vistas is insanely inspiring for thoughts!
    4. Turn off the phone: Having internet, 4g, 5g as perhaps as the worst impediment to thinking.
  • Never trust anybody who says that is “good for the planet“.

    1. 100% carnivore diet, no fruits vegetable starches
    2. Intermittent fasting throughout the day, no breakfast no lunch only dinner
    3. Aim to eat 4 to 5 pounds of meat every dinner
    4. Very very heavy weightlifting, with some sort of walking component. For example my walking deadlift concept
  • Better to have an iPad Pro and just be outside in the direct sun instead — standing and walking!

  • The price of Bitcoin, like any other asset, is influenced by a variety of factors. Here are some key drivers that could be contributing to its price increase:

    1. Market Demand: If more people are buying Bitcoin than selling it, this increased demand can drive up the price. This can be influenced by various factors like positive news, endorsements from high-profile individuals or companies, or broader economic factors.
    2. Institutional Investment: When large institutions, like investment funds or corporations, invest in Bitcoin, it not only provides a significant boost to its legitimacy but also increases demand, driving up prices.
    3. Limited Supply: Bitcoin has a capped supply of 21 million coins. As more coins are mined and fewer are left to be mined, the perceived value of Bitcoin can increase due to its scarcity.
    4. Economic and Global Events: Economic uncertainty, inflation, or instability in traditional markets can lead investors to seek alternative investments like Bitcoin, perceiving it as a hedge against traditional financial systems.
    5. Technological Developments and Adoption: Improvements in blockchain technology, increased ease of use, and broader adoption of Bitcoin for various purposes (like payments, remittances, etc.) can positively influence its price.
    6. Regulatory Environment: Positive regulatory developments or clarity in key markets can boost investor confidence, while negative or uncertain regulatory news can have the opposite effect.
    7. Speculative Trading: A lot of Bitcoin’s price movement is driven by speculative trading. Traders trying to predict price movements and profit from them can lead to volatility and rapid price changes.
    8. Media and Public Sentiment: The way Bitcoin is portrayed in the media and public sentiment around it can greatly influence its price. Positive news can lead to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), driving up prices, while negative news can lead to panic selling.

    It’s important to note that the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility, and prices can fluctuate widely based on a combination of these factors. As with any investment, it’s wise to thoroughly research and understand the risks involved.

  • Realists never get anything interesting done

    Unreal, unrealistic is better.

  • Like people with metabolic disease.

    If you see that it looks like somebody has the black plague, you don’t hate or resent them for it… but, you make sure not to be within even a mile of them. Certainly not next to them or even indoors with them.

    • Think faster
    • negative expected value
    • positive expected value
    • “free dollars”?
    • why make others feel better?
    • “I read other people quite well. They just don’t read me”
    • computers vs computers
  • 10-15 million?

    The exact number of Africans who died as a result of the transatlantic slave trade is not known with certainty. Estimates vary widely due to the lack of comprehensive historical records. However, it’s generally acknowledged that the impact was immense, both in terms of lives lost during capture and transport (the Middle Passage) and under slavery in the Americas.

    • During the Middle Passage, it’s estimated that 10-15% of enslaved Africans died. Conditions were brutal, with overcrowding, disease, and malnutrition being common.
    • Over the entire period of the transatlantic slave trade (from the 16th to the 19th centuries), scholars estimate that approximately 12 million Africans were shipped to the Americas. Considering the death rates during transport and the additional lives lost during raids and marches to the coast, the total number of deaths could be considerably higher.
    • Once in America, enslaved Africans faced harsh conditions that led to a high mortality rate. This included overwork, malnutrition, disease, and physical abuse.

    These estimates only provide a glimpse into the scale of human suffering and loss of life due to the transatlantic slave trade and slavery in the Americas. The full impact, including the cultural, psychological, and social effects, is far more profound and lasting.

    Subjective number

    Providing a subjective number for the deaths of Africans due to slavery in America is challenging, as it involves a combination of historical analysis and personal interpretation. Historians and scholars provide ranges and estimates based on available data, but these are inherently fraught with uncertainty due to the incomplete and imprecise nature of historical records.

    With that in mind, if I were to offer a subjective view, it would be to emphasize the enormity of the tragedy. The numbers, whether 10 million, 15 million, or more, represent individual lives — each with its own story, culture, and potential. The scale of loss is not just a matter of statistics but a profound human tragedy that reshaped societies, families, and histories. This perspective invites us to reflect not just on the numbers, but on the human cost and the enduring legacy of such a catastrophic chapter in human history.

  • I have insanely good “noon-chi”, but the thoughts of others don’t really bother me.

    Therefore, I choose to just ignore or look down on much social expectations.

    • “Mass delusions”
    • Bored is the issue?
    • Not a lot of drive, not a lot of pressure.
    • Literary criticism as bizarre
    • What’s the difference between art and entertainment?
    • Unstable
    • The game was ultimately unknowable
    • Think about things yourself without concern of others.
    • Math is good?
    • No “right” way to play the games … only some wrong ones.
    • Desire for greater certainty is bad.
    • loss limit

    Follow your instincts.

    Not optimal but good enough.

    Partial knowledge

    Time pressure

    How to act quickly

    • no right answers only wrong ones
    • profit prophet
    • Remove humans
    • faster, more frequently
    • speed ***
    • rent extractors
    • higher order thinking
    • make sure no single flip makes that big of a difference
    • Flip coins millions of times a day
    • automate
    • why is the price going up?
    • Bots— dumb algorithm

    – pleasure and happiness?

  • You only know what you truly value based on if you actually spend your own money on it or not.

  • Health as strength, muscles, having a good full body tan.

    Demigod physique.

    Health is also digestion?

  • Hmmm … using ChatGPT to analyze crypto prices is actually really fascinating:

    The price of Chainlink (LINK) as of November 22, 2023, has been subject to significant movement and speculation. Here are some key details:

    1. Recent Performance: Chainlink experienced a remarkable 22% surge in its value within a single day, reaching its highest price in months. This surge saw LINK’s price rise beyond the $9 mark oai_citation:1,Chainlink’s Pre Bull Run 22% Price Jump Explained.
    2. Current Price: As per the latest updates, the Chainlink price was around $14.3 USD. Predictions suggested that its value would increase by approximately 7.76%, potentially reaching $16.39 by November 22, 2023 oai_citation:2,Chainlink (LINK) Price Prediction 2023 2024 2025 2026 – 2030 – Changelly.
    3. Price Forecast and Market Sentiment: There’s a bullish sentiment in the market regarding Chainlink, with forecasts indicating a range for the year 2023 between $18 to $22. This trend is a part of a broader elevated trend observed since the beginning of the final quarter of the year, marked by a significant influx of buying volume oai_citation:3,Chainlink Price Prediction: LINK Marines Poised to Lift the Price ….

    These insights reflect the dynamic and volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, where prices can fluctuate widely based on a variety of factors, including market sentiment, investor behavior, and broader economic trends.

    Why did it go up?

    The recent increase in Chainlink’s (LINK) price can be attributed to several factors:

    1. Network Activity and Whale Transactions: An analysis by Santiment, an on-chain intelligence platform, revealed heightened activity on the Chainlink network. This included over 220 whale transactions exceeding $100,000 each, and nearly 5,000 distinct addresses were engaged with LINK. Additionally, LINK’s trading volume surpassed 800 million, indicating a potential accumulation trend oai_citation:1,Chainlink’s Pre Bull Run 22% Price Jump Explained – Crypto Daily.
    2. Chainlink’s Developments and Partnerships: Chainlink’s role in the evolving landscape of traditional finance and cryptocurrencies has been highlighted. It acts as a decentralized oracle network bridging the gap between smart contracts on the blockchain and real-world data. Speculations about its potential involvement with Hong Kong’s central bank digital currency (CBDC) and its partnerships, such as with the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), have also contributed to the positive sentiment oai_citation:2,Why Chainlink ($LINK) Could Be Headed Toward $200, Explains Crypto Analyst | Cryptoglobe.
    3. Institutional Interest and Network Growth: The increasing institutional interest, as shown by the 200% surge in the Grayscale Chainlink Trust, alongside the growth in the number of active addresses and transactions on the LINK network, underscores broader acceptance and utilization of Chainlink’s infrastructure. This growing institutional interest, coupled with Chainlink’s unique position in the smart contract ecosystem, is a significant driver of its price increase oai_citation:3,Chainlink (LINK) on the Rise: A Strong Recovery Story – Crypto News Flash.

    These factors collectively contribute to Chainlink’s price dynamics, reflecting the complex interplay of market sentiment, institutional interest, network activity, and investor behavior in the cryptocurrency market.

  • The general idea … anti fiat currency; the idea that true currency needs a hard cap. Hard cap of 21 million coins.

    Why does this matter? The US government and FED can essentially print unlimited money; my belief a lot of inflation is triggered by when during COVID, too much “free money” was circulated into the system.

    Digital gold

    Is bitcoin “digital gold”? I think so.

    Consider real gold … you don’t ever really touch it or use it. And there seems to be a hard cap.

    Why does bitcoin matter?

    I think it’s just a really fascinating concept … insanely innovative, sexy and interesting.

    The icon?

    Simply put I think Bitcoin is the best because the icon is orange. A very simple idea — the Bitcoin icon pops super hard compared to all of the other random coins and crypto assets.

    The future?

    BRC-20, ERC-20; wrapping Bitcoin with other assets and the blockchain… transforming Bitcoin into a viable NFT option.

    Why does it all matter?

    Philosophically speaking … it makes me ponder and meditate the notion of wealth, money etc. That all this money stuff is simply smoke and mirrors.

    My interest in Bitcoin?

    Via ChatGPT:

    Eric Kim, known for his work in photography, has also shown a notable interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. His involvement and thoughts on this topic are reflected in various ways:

    1. Personal Investment and Trading: Kim shared his experiences with Bitcoin investment and trading. He mentioned re-entering the Bitcoin market when its price dropped from $50,000 to $35,000 and then riding it back up to $50,000 oai_citation:1,How I Made Money with Crypto – ERIC KIM – EK.
    2. Philosophical Perspective: He has discussed the broader implications of cryptocurrency and its potential future impact. For example, he has speculated about the future of global currencies and the role of military power in their dominance, suggesting a deep interest in the geopolitical and economic aspects of cryptocurrency oai_citation:2,Why I Bought More Bitcoin (Again) – EK – ERIC KIM PHOTOGRAPHY.
    3. Cryptocurrency Advocacy: Kim has expressed a strong belief in the longevity and importance of Bitcoin, predicting that it will be the “last crypto standing.” This shows his advocacy for Bitcoin and his confidence in its future oai_citation:3,Crypto – ERIC KIM – EK.
    4. Reflection on Wealth and Cryptocurrency: He has also pondered the broader implications of wealth accumulation through cryptocurrency, questioning what comes after achieving financial success in this arena oai_citation:4,Once You Become a Crypto Billionaire, Then What? – ERIC KIM.
    5. Professional Intersection with Photography: Kim has explored the intersection of cryptocurrency and photography, discussing why he believes digital currencies like Bitcoin and Digibyte are the future for photographers in the digital economy oai_citation:5,BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS – ERIC KIM – Podtail.

    Through these various avenues, it’s evident that Eric Kim’s interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency goes beyond mere financial investment. He integrates this interest with his professional field, reflects on its broader societal implications, and engages with the philosophical aspects of this innovative technology.

    Bitcoin hard cap

    Bitcoin’s hard cap is set at 21 million coins. This limit is an integral part of its design and philosophy, reflecting a commitment to scarcity and anti-inflationary principles. Unlike fiat currencies, which can be printed in unlimited quantities by governments, Bitcoin’s finite supply resembles gold and other precious metals. This limit is expected to be reached around the year 2140. The hard cap is also seen as a way to mimic the diminishing returns of mining precious resources, with the rewards for mining new blocks halving approximately every four years, in events known as “halvings.” This scarcity principle has been a key factor in Bitcoin’s narrative and value proposition as “digital gold.”

  • No sun, no life?


    A lot of modern day discontent is because people lack direct sun exposure?

  • Anduril

  • Passion which is self driven.


    Dear friend,

    If you’re new to street photography and want a definitive guide and primer to master the fundamentals of street photography, Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography is for you.

    Distilled Wisdom in Street Photography

    Why did I write Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography when I’ve already written over 3,000 blog posts on street photography and over 20 eBooks on street photography?

    For me, it was a chance for me to respire my “beginner’s mind” in street photography– asking myself: “If I started street photography all over again, what advice would I give myself?”

    Like all of us, I deal with difficulty staying inspired and motivated in street photography. In writing this book, I was able to “take it back to basics”, and ask myself the fundamental questions:

    • Why is street photography so enjoyable?
    • What is the best equipment for street photography?
    • How do I get closer and more intimate with my subjects, and hesitate less?

    Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography is all killer, no filler. In these 165 pages of practical and philosophical knowledge, you will learn how to master the fundamentals of street photography: all the way from the ideal camera equipment and technical settings for street photography, to conquering your fears and creating more beautiful and dynamic pictures of everyday life.

    This book is also unique because it isn’t just a manual on how to shoot street photography — it is also part photobook which includes the best photos from my “Suits” and “Only in America” series.

    Empower Yourself by Mastering the Fundamentals of Street Photography

    In Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography you will learn:

    1. What is best camera for street photography?
    2. Practical tips and guidance how to start shooting street photography
    3. Overcoming hesitation and fear to capture “the decisive moment”
    4. Confidently interacting and engaging with your subjects
    5. Capture authentic moments in the streets, either with or without permission
    6. Boldly get closer in street photography to capture the soul of your subject
    7. Starting your own street photography project that is personally-meaningful to you
    8. Discover your own personal aesthetic and style in street photography
    9. Harnessing the power of the flash to make street photographs that pop
    10. Never running out of inspiration in street photography

    If I’m not a beginner street photographer, is this book for me?

    If you’re an intermediate-advanced street photographer, and have already mastered the fundamentals of street photography, I think you can still profit from Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography.

    In Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography, we also cover more intermediate-advanced street photography concepts such as:

    1. Discovering your own unique style and voice in street photography
    2. Staying true and authentic to your own photographic vision
    3. Shooting with a flash in street photography
    4. Is street photography subjective or objective? Making social commentary through your photos.
    5. Building the boldness to engage with your subjects, and to hesitate less
    6. Crafting dynamic multi-layered and multi-subject street photographs
    7. Misconceptions about “The Decisive Moment”
    8. Staying inspired, and staying fresh in street photography
    9. Unorthodox techniques and places you can shoot street photography
    10. The Cherry on Top: What differentiates a mediocre and great street photograph?

    Inspirational Assignments to Push You Outside of Your Comfort Zone

    Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography will help push you outside of your comfort zone with 37 empowering chapters, and 12 of the best street photography assignments to hone your skills.

    This book is like your own personal street photography workshop, that is always with you — in your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.

    Freedom and Flexibility of Open Source: This Book Belongs to You

    Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography is non-DRM (Digital Rights Management).

    You have the freedom to copy the book and transfer it to as many devices as you desire, with no limit.

    Also, you are more than free to share the book with friends, family, or loved ones. Once you purchase the book, you own it, and you can remix it, share it, or distribute/store it however you desire.

    Buy Books, Not Gear

    Even if you are an intermediate-advanced street photographer, Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography will help re-spark your passion for street photography, and help you reflect again on the fundamentals of street photography. This book will refresh your perspective on street photography, and help return you to your “beginner’s mind”, when you were fresh, excited, and infinitely curious about street photography.

    Become the Best Street Photographer You Can Be

    Ultimately street photography is up to you. You decide how to shoot street photography for yourself, what style suits you, and what your own artistic vision is in street photography.

    Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Mastering Street Photography will be a guide, and give you practical tips and suggestions to point you in the right direction.

    Don’t miss your opportunity to gain all of the practical wisdom, knowledge, and information to take your street photography to the next level.

    BE BOLD,
    Lisbon, 2018

    Table of Contents

    The Joy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
    Camera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
    Start Shooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
    Authenticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
    Fear. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
    Assignment 1: 10 No Challenge . . . . . 10
    Assignment 2: Shoot Yourself . . . . . . 12
    Assignment 3: Admit Your Fears . . . . . 14
    Engage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
    Assignment 4: Work the Scene . . . . . 18
    Get Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
    Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
    Assignment 5: Diagonal . . . . . . . . 32
    Always Be Prepared . . . . . . . . . . . 34
    Assignment 6: Take your camera for a walk 36
    Aesthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
    Set it and Forget It! . . . . . . . . . . . 44
    Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
    Surrealism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
    Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
    Assignment 7: Don’t make eye contact . . 58
    Tell Lies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
    Work the Scene . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
    Assignment 8: Shoot 25% More . . . . . 64
    Assignment 9: Overlay . . . . . . . . 66
    Forbidden Places . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
    Assignment 10: Elevator . . . . . . . . 70
    Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
    Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
    Mystery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
    Juxtaposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
    Hands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
    Emotion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
    Dynamic Composition . . . . . . . . . . 92
    The Cherry on Top . . . . . . . . . . . 94
    Assignment 11: Love . . . . . . . . . 96
    Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
    Dramatic Light . . . . . . . . . . . 102
    Social Commentary . . . . . . . . . . 108
    Urban Landscape . . . . . . . . . . . 124
    Decisive Moments . . . . . . . . . . .130
    Eyes Are the Windows to the Soul . . . . .132
    Assignment 12: Eye Contact. . . . . . .134
    Lenses & Focal Length . . . . . . . . . .136
    Blur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138
    Don’t Chimp . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
    LCD vs Viewfinder . . . . . . . . . . 142
    Editing (Select) Your Best Photos. . . . . 144
    Post-Processing . . . . . . . . . . . 146
    How to Stay Inspired . . . . . . . . . 148
    Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
    Learn More . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152

  • Sleep plays a fascinating role in Homer’s “Iliad.” In ancient Greek mythology, Sleep (Hypnos) is a significant figure, often personified as a god. In the Iliad, Sleep is not just a state of rest but an active, divine force.

    One of the most prominent instances is when Hera, in her scheme to aid the Greeks, seduces Zeus and enlists the help of Sleep to ensure he remains undisturbed. This act underscores the power and influence of the gods in the war, where even the mightiest, Zeus, can be subdued by Sleep.

    Sleep, in the Iliad, also represents a temporary escape from the harsh realities of war. Warriors, both Greek and Trojan, seek rest as a reprieve from battle. It’s a moment of vulnerability, too, where heroes can be caught off guard.

    Moreover, dreams sent during sleep are significant. They are often seen as messages from the gods, guiding or warning warriors and kings. This aspect of sleep underscores the belief in divine intervention and guidance in human affairs.

    Thus, in the Iliad, sleep serves as a powerful narrative tool, symbolizing divine intervention, vulnerability, and the human need for rest and respite amidst chaos.

  • I want to take over the world!

    Ambition is typically seen as a vice; a bad thing. For example, a lot of modern day thought says “you should be grateful for what you got”, etc.

    What is ambition anyways?

    Ambitio — ambi— to go around. For example in ancient Roman times, when people were canvassing for political office, they would literally go around, promising search and favors etc., and a lot of this activity was seen as base. Ancient Roman philosophers like Seneca saw that it was bad taste to be ambitious because one would lie, connive, give false promises in order to just get office and more power.

    my personal take on ambition is that it has to deal with more about the desire to become more. The disregard for public norms, and basic ways of living and thinking and living. For me, ambition is the fire which fuels everything.

    How does our ambition die?

    I was born in 1988, and I think my generation was a good one. We were all told that we were special and unique and that we could change the world, and that anything was possible. I think this attitude must be resumed.

    “Fuck it!”

    Also, one thing that I believe in is that there needs to be a healthy disregard for self preservation. This is one of the core ideas I learned from Walter Isaacson’s biography on Steve Jobs; for example, when they first released the original iPhone, a lot of people were concerned that it would cannibalized the original “iPod“ sales. Because if you had an iPhone… Why would you need an iPod anymore?

    And I think this is critical; one must be disconcerted about self preservation. Self preservation is often something that holds us respect, something that makes us more conservative, fearful, and prevents our forward movement and evolution.

    ChatGPT— history and etymology of ambition

    The word “ambition” has a rich etymology and history. It originates from the Latin word “ambitio,” which comes from “ambire,” meaning “to go around.” In ancient Rome, “ambitio” was often used in the context of political canvassing, where candidates for public office would go around soliciting votes.

    Over time, the meaning of “ambition” evolved. In Latin, it began to acquire a sense of a strong desire for honor, power, or recognition. This evolution reflected the competitive and public nature of Roman society, where political success and public standing were highly valued.

    By the time it entered the English language in the 14th century, “ambition” had taken on its modern meaning: the desire to achieve success, power, or fame. This sense was somewhat neutral, but over time, it gained a negative connotation, often implying a ruthless or overweening desire for success or power.

    In literature and philosophy, particularly during the Renaissance and later in the Enlightenment, ambition was a common theme, reflecting the changing social and political landscapes where individual achievement and personal success became more prominent ideals.

    Today, “ambition” can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on the context. It’s often seen positively as a drive for success and self-improvement, but it can also imply a selfish or unscrupulous pursuit of power. The dual nature of “ambition” reflects its complex history, from its roots in Roman political life to its modern interpretation.

  • Without health … nothing is worth it!

    1. Maximum direct sunlight exposure
    2. More coffee — but more strict cutoff times later on in the day.
    3. Hardcore weight lifting
    4. Walk a lot
    5. Prioritize sleep; sleep is the closest thing to godliness.
    6. Don’t take painkillers