
Secure capital you control

–> you control

Upside of renting … you won’t be there forever neither will they?

Harder, faster, stronger …>>>

Aces given power

Impossible to kill –> best abilities

Defense is #1***


I’m looking for the fight, so I’ll absorb their thing

I’m looking for a fight?


America … naturally we got good defense

Very hard to move stuff over oceans

People who cannot BE killed?

Goal –> to be unkillable?


Never aging

Infinitely hard

After the founder dies …

Think crypto 100 years from now or 300 years from now?


Air power

Air power from navy power


Control your own airspace


High ground


Geographic and terrain

Terrain advantages?




It never works until it works

Learned individuals don’t make the breakthrough


Not developed by professors


How to Innovate

Competitive advantage

The internet is bad?

Most Technology is Bad?

Fake reality

“Any industry in which people complain about their asshole boss is likely part of the bezzle, because bosses can only really afford to be assholes in the economic fake reality of the bezzle”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

No such thing as a free lunch, number one rule in economics

Produce something of value ***

–> the secret the pathway is entrepreneurship self-employment, sole proprietorship


Why does unemployment matter?


Once you get caught, it ain’t a big deal

Barebones simplicity 

Assume that all foreign nodes are potential attackers?

Assume that everyone else is hostile?

Assume that everyone is dishonest?

Nothing is forever. 

Digital “cash”?

Gold as money that nobody can print 

Proof and verification

Difficulty adjustment

100,000,000 Satoshis

Keep stacking those Satoshis

It can’t even be interrupted

Hard to kill

Strong people are harder to kill?

Maybe the point is just to not be killed? Or not able to be killed?


The difficulty of producing new coins  

Digital scarcity

Copying versus sending

Absolute scarcity 

Inflation schedule is immutable

Real cost versus fake cost? Real cost include time effort and labor

When people continue to hold the currency the value goes up?

The more people who hold the higher value 

The more hodler’s, the batter

Bitcoin as a store value, not as a medium of exchange

Making money with bitcoin through processing fees?

The more volatile, the more fun and interesting

A life without volatility is not a life worth living

The more volatility in life, the more fun and better life?

Focusing on defense is more profitable

War is Bad


Economic output is human time and labor

Purchasing power

Enslaving man for his own good?

To “free” man in the future?

Why do we humans have a hard time thinking about numbers money and finances

Purchasing power is important, not the absolute quantity?


Sound businesses create value for society and people

More productive firms

Undead but not truly alive


Burden, not productive assets for society

Devaluing existing money holdings

nefarious schemes

Allocate your capital to the investments which seem most productive

Government “funding”

A free marketplace of ideas

A productive banker?

Just let them die, no bailout.

bad ego vs good ego 

Bad ego is when you do something contrary to your own belief system, in order to stunt on other people.

The Bitcoin Standard is Lit!

A sign of a very good book: I think 90% of it is just focused on rethinking and reteaching and rechallenging old economic theories… I’ve read a lot of the book already, and I think the author only mentions bitcoin twice thus far.

Independent thinking

Bit Thoughts


“Tell me your secrets”!

Military Complex

–> don’t cling onto the old thing!



Humans don’t like non romantic stories

–> maybe the bank is obsolete?

99% of you got beat by the index

.01% of the cost

Asymmetric warfare

The most to gain the least to lose?

Feel like a pilot –> why, for the sake of what?


Burn it into it

How to fight the AI bots?

Orange Check Verified

Open Permissionless and ethical

Closed protocols … proprietary is bad


Open standards for authentications

10 Gigawatts of power

Millions of mining rigs –> many years of manufacturing?

Military using Bitcoin?

Encrypted messages

3,500 exahash–> 90%

51% attack? –> 20 minutes not 10 minutes

150 Gigawatt


Bitcoin represents the most secure systems

Defended by raw power and energy

Machine gun in cyberspace as offensive weapon

Defense system

Cybernetic fence

Defend your own cyberspace

Protect the documents?

Cyber defense system

–> I like the aesthetics

Bitcoin as cyber defense system

You need to be invincible ***-> the ultimate super power

You’re going to win

Invincible but mortal?

Invincible and immortal –> Bitcoin


Distance is a big deal

Americans, starting to have more fascination with machines, cars, things and stuff… A sign of degeneracy? Of downward going?

Of under going?

Over going or under going?


Auto immune disease –> your own body attacks yourself


Nobody prefers the second best in security –> nobody knows what second best is?

Cyber security system –> how much energy needed to break it?


1-10 people can break it

Bitcoin is energy over time

Hash rate

Analog to electricity to computing power

Proof of stake doesn’t work *



4B of Bitcoin –> USA

$10B of Bitcoin owned by USA

$100B of Bitcoin

$100B risk free


All physical power is military power

The top 300 Indian tribes

10,000 tribes which got squeezed out –> we don’t lament them

No power, no hope for you

Cyber power

Economic, physical, mental, political health ***

A family must control its space

Create the hard money

Digital integrity –> truth machine. Double spend problem

Keep the money on the network for 100 years

The killer app is money

Forget being forgotten

BRC20 tokens

New apps

Economic theory

How do I “brand” something?


JPMORGAN .. 2500 year old ivory seal collection

Ledgers of money –> immutable bake the clay

Seal it, show it is official

A brand, a key

Private key

We the best not the first


There is no second best thing ***

Everything else is fragile and corruptible


The most powerful cyber network in the world


Orange is the color

How to develop on Bitcoin


Assuming that I am my own US military swat team, super soldier fund or whatever… How would I create and design myself?

If I had control over the budget to create a super soldier, what would it look like?


Destructive or constructive?

Mental defense. Fund your defense, not your offense the joy of just being left alone.

Money is Potential Energy?

Kinetic & potential energy


Assets withhold value versus assets which don’t?

Purchasing power

Prices of real good and services

Immediate consumption versus future potential consumption?

Differ consumption now, in order to increase consumption in the long run?

Corrupt and toxic


Unsound money and war

Cooperation > Conflict –> if you have to continue dealing with them on a larger time horizon 

Funny New Rule

You’re only allowed to use your iPad or iPhone when you’re outside, never inside?

Free Trade

Monetary nationalism is bad 

Running a productive company 

Competitive advantage 

Individual freedom 

What is the purpose of taxes? 

Creating new value?

Mutually beneficial exchange

Denying enterprise the right to produce good money 

“Hayek put it: “The cause of waves of unemployment is not ‘capitalism’ but governments denying enterprise the right to produce good money.”19

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

Rigor vs Logic

Critique of modern day academics and scholars: too much folks on rigor, not enough focus on why it actually matters?

Capital Time

The less time you waste, the wealthier you become? 

Also I wonder, is the word wealth associated to “well”?


Bad, evil investments

Or in other words, I don’t trust anybody who doesn’t drive a Prius

Deprived of oxygen?

Debt is the opposite of saving

Debt is slavery, then saving is being a master?

Raising capital, the simple thought — the next generation should have more than the previous one?

Do not eat your seed crop

Money paradigm shift

We must decouple the idea that money is fiat currency US dollars. Instead, money is something else… 

True Entrepreneurs

“Those who confuse entrepreneurship and management close their eyes to the economic problem…. The capitalist system is not a managerial system; it is an entrepreneurial system.”
—Ludwig von Mises5”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

Bid on Capital

Scarcity is the starting point of all economics 

Scarcity versus abundance?

Unemployment & Dearth of Sound Money

I have a theory: perhaps the reason why unemployment is so high is that individuals are no longer tempted to work these meaningless jobs, in exchange for flaccid fiat currency. Once again note, now at McDonald’s, because the minimum wage in Los Angeles has been raised from $16 an hour to $20 an hour, overnight, Anyone with half a brain working at McDonald’s! This is insane!

Also, overnight, the price of goods and food has shot up! ample, a single burger patty at Shake shack only used to be $1.50, now, after the minimum wage hike, suddenly overnight, the purchasing power of my US dollar has become extremely devalued, a single burger patty is $2.50!!! This is an inflation of a dollar, overnight!!

This is bad news. Raising the minimum wage from $16 an hour to $20 an hour for fast food workers, is insane. Don’t these fools know that artificially increasing the minimum wage will eventually just make rent prices, housing prices, and all food prices, gas prices go up? 

“The cause of waves of unemployment is not ‘capitalism’ but governments denying enterprise the right to produce good money.”
—Friedrich Hayek”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

Keynes is Bad (John Maynard Keynes)

“See Michael Holroyd, Lytton Strachey: The New Biography, vol. I, p. 80, in which a letter sent by Keynes to his friend Lytton Strachey in the Bloomsbury set advised them to visit Tunis “where bed and boy were not expensive.” See also David Felix, Keynes: A Critical Life, p. 112, which quotes a letter from Keynes in which he informs a friend, “I’m leaving for Egypt … I just learned that ‘bed and boy’ is prepared.” In another letter, he recommended Strachey go to Tunis and Sicily “if you want to go to where the naked boys dance.”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

“Keynes was a libertine hedonist who wasted most his adult life engaging in sexual relationships with children, including traveling around the Mediterranean to visit children’s brothels”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist whose ideas fundamentally changed the theory and practice of macroeconomics and the economic policies of governments. He lived from 1883 to 1946. Keynes is best known for his theory on the causes of prolonged unemployment, which he presented in his seminal work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1936). His theory, known as Keynesian economics, suggests that in the short run, especially during recessions, economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand (total spending in the economy).

Keynes advocated for increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of depression. His ideas have been widely used to justify economic intervention policies by governments and have influenced various aspects of modern macroeconomic policies, particularly regarding the role of government in stabilizing the economy over the business cycle.

Trump is Bad

I think when it comes down to it, Donald Trump was a pushover, allowing everyone to get a free $1000? 


The Chicago Bulls, bulls, bull market, bully, Lamborghini Bull

I’m a bull just like the hometown ! – Ye

What is Capitalism?

When can and when should one stop accumulating capital?

How does one accumulate capital? By saving it, conserving it, and stacking it —

Capitalism as an economic system based on capital accumulation from saving? 

“capitalism—an economic system based on capital accumulation from saving”

Excerpt From
The Bitcoin Standard
Saifedean Ammous

Now time preference

My overall critique of economist is that there are two focused on the future. The utility value of the future, saving for the future, whatever. Yet what a lot of these skinny fat anemic low muscle mass dweebs don’t know is how to live right now in the present moment?

Don’t Be a Nazi

Hitler, Nazi… Nazism… was the populist, socialist party in Germany?

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