Currently my only life goals are strength related or based?
Author: ERIC KIM
Ideal Daily Life Workflows?
What would and what *should* an ideal daily life workflow look like? If at all?
- Shoot daily, review photos daily in the evening when the sun sets?
Seeking greater stimulation
Don’t be a sissy
The best fitness is climbing up? Escalation ?
Once you have a kid, you must change everything
Hill climb
Personal Goals?
Security, cyber security
your legs not your vehicle!
$100,000 legs
$250,000 legs ?
Lambo Legs?
The most streamline design, the front of Tesla model 3
Things which don’t tell you much
–> For example, a step counter could tell you how many steps you took today, but it will never tell you what you actually did. 
My Prius will destroy you in distance !
Go the distance
What would the ancient Greeks do?
Feast all day!
Insane Lightness 
Dynamic environment
Think in the Sun 
Sun Thinking
Sunlight Training
6,000 pounds?
2,000 pounds
Minimum viable clothing
–> the closest thing to being naked without actually being naked? 
Get rich, how to get rich
The furthest, the most extreme venturing?
Venture further.
There is only one center
Happy, happy is the goal!
How to gain power
First just get outside!
Simple Innovations
Double-layered, wearing two merino wool shirts at the same time?
Double ply merino wool!
Everything is Impermanent
And that’s a good thing!
The simplest means of expression
Physical Glory & Valour
All I care for?
How to Go and Get Outside More?
Outside outdoor freedom
Elevate the human condition?
Simple Desires
Easy access to natural light?
Test, experiment, iterate
Not fast enough?
So much land?
International goals?
Freedom goals? Outside goals?
Think Outside
Rise to your pinnacle!
Why Height?
The competition for height & resources
Forever Battery
What are we optimizing for, what should we be optimizing for?
It seems one way to approach things is simple; just focus on one thing, and direct all your energies towards it?
What do you prefer to have, what don’t you care for? 
First just get your ass outside !
What is your kid *NOT* into?
Also what are you not into?
There is no such thing as overheating with clothes because technically all the heat is already in your body ?
First start walking in order to think
Good Capital, Bad Capital
Bad capital: land (think wildfires). Also, country-specific capital and money (think how HKD is useless in America), and even the USD, the least bad currency, still bleeding at 10-13% a year (inflation). Sometimes even 16%!
Bitcoin as the panacea?
”Detoxes” or gets rid of the toxins of the dirty crude toxic capital, and filters it, and “upcycles” it to pure, perfected capital —> Bitcoin!
Fire Sale
Literally and metaphorically
The Virtues of Cooking at Home
The Virtues of Feasting
—> The logic is you cannot survive without food… Therefore to optimize the best possible intake of food — isn’t this the most important thing?
Feasting is Serious Business
Parasitic loss?
Think Hybrid
A dumb brick
There is no second best, outlier.NYC is the best clothing brand ?
Or lululemon?
Fewer taxes are better
Build up, go up ?
Just check it off your list! Fuck it, just maybe buy the single-family house to get it over with then proceed
No plans, no workflows
Asian beauty, Asian beauty standards?
Walking meditation
Free person, free man?
Offensive, inoffensive?
Financial incentives or disincentives?
Beyond hygiene?
Red is the color of good luck?
Money is all about timing?
Once you can max out your per diem, then one?
Trade for your freedom
How to Go
Open world concept
Serve different markets
America has access to everything
Steak is a scam
All you can eat Brazilian barbecue in Hong Kong
3/F, Grand Progress Building, 15 Lan Kwai Fong, Central
Get the beef rib, beef tongue
Mon to Fri Lunch: 11:30am – 3pm | Dinner: 6pm – 10:30pm
Sat, Sun & PHs Lunch: 11:30am – 3:30pm | Dinner: 6pm – 10:30pm
Insanely great service too! Also free for kids!
Think there’s also a discount for lunch?
Heat is Godlike
How to live like a god?
Underrated Modern Luxuries
Having a stove, to cook food?
How to Feel Like a God
First eat like a god!
Timing is Obvious
Buy it all up when the prices are down?
Buy when the market is down!
Ironically enough, now with the wildfires in California Los Angeles Southern California… Right now actually might be the best time to buy a single family house?
Timing is obvious
Invest when everyone else is scared shitless
New Aesthetics
How to Feel Good
Think nutrition, think sleep! Think heat!
Think Asia
If you lived and were just stuck in Asia, how would you live?
Think Vests
Also, technically the ideal is naked
Think Linebacker
I’m a linebacker! Middle linebacker baby!
My ideal doesn’t exist ,,, I must *create* it?
The Creator
Offensive, inoffensive design?
Primum Mobile
Our desire to conquer, acquire more?
Prius is the new pussy magnet
The new nightshade Prius — super fucking cool!
All blacked out murdered out Prius, so fucking gangsta!
Porsche is Ugly?
Back to gasoline?
Primum Mobile
Our desire to conquer, acquire more?
- Acquire more light, sunlight, natural light
- Acquire and consume more fat?
What has more nutrition?
Fat or cholesterol? Which meats?
Things which annoy me?
Stats— looking at stats?
Only the rich have the privilege to beautiful colors?
Desert titanium iPhone Pro — the only beautiful and or interesting color for iPhone? Even black sucks.
Why Is It All So Ugly?
all the iPhone colors?
iPad Air is a really great deal!
Get at least 256GB— only $699–
iPad Pro is the Shit!
Get one. The only Apple product worth getting?
Don’t Like
More wisdom in knowing and discovering what you don’t like, than what you *do* like —
Things I don’t like:
- The cold, being cold and frigid. Solution: Space heater!
- Being stuck indoors. Solution: Going outside!
- The dark, solution: Go out, seek the sunlight, direct sun!
Free range kid
Standing is the supreme position
Off the grid health and fitness
Free Spirit
Free, freedom Spirit
How to make yourself look bigger with clothing?
BeCome as big as the city?
Strong like steel, concrete
Open world exploration
New explorations
Explore More
Speed of eating — often time buffet all you can eat issue ;; too slow? Faster to cook at home ?
Mutual attraction
Life goals: to get a really good nights of sleep?
Using all of our tools and resources to dominate the environment?
Good stimuli, bad stimuli ?
The Genesis of Deep Sleep
Lots of fat?
Ultimately it is function which matters
Keep the heat, retain your body heat
Propensity to perform work
Bigger worlds , bigger social worlds ?
The privilege of heat
If you had 100 trillion, but lived abroad…