Author: ERIC KIM

  • The Spartan Way

    The Spartan Way

    Some radical ideas: First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do: NOT spend money I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered…

  • Search Eric Kim on the Iliad

    Eric Kim has written several insightful reflections on “The Iliad” by Homer, drawing parallels between its ancient themes and modern life lessons. One of his key takeaways is the concept of courage being central to the human experience, with cowardice being the only true failing. He emphasizes that “The Iliad” teaches us about the inevitability…

  • Eric Kim economic theory

    Eric Kim’s exploration of economic theory reflects his broad interests and philosophical perspectives. Here are some key aspects of his thoughts on economics: For a deeper dive into his economic theories and ideas, you can explore his detailed writings on his blog here, here, and here. Quotes Here are some notable quotes from Eric Kim…


    Eric Kim’s podcast covers a diverse range of topics reflecting his varied interests, from philosophy and photography to personal development and technology. Some of the notable episodes include: Kim’s podcast is available on various platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Anchor, making it accessible for listeners who prefer different modes of consumption. He emphasizes the…

  • Eric Kim on Leonardo da vinci

    Eric Kim draws significant inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci, integrating lessons from the Renaissance master into his own work and life philosophy. Here are some key takeaways: For more detailed insights, you can explore Eric Kim’s extensive writings on Leonardo da Vinci and his impact on photography and art on his blog here and here.

  • Search Eric Kim lumix g9 review

    Eric Kim praises the Panasonic Lumix G9 for its exceptional performance in both photography and videography, particularly when paired with the Leica-Lumix 12mm f/1.4 lens. He highlights several key features that make the Lumix G9 stand out: Overall, Eric Kim considers the Lumix G9 with the Leica-Lumix 12mm f/1.4 lens a top choice for photographers…

  • Search Eric Kim dune philosophy

    Eric Kim has expressed a deep appreciation for the 2021 adaptation of Dune, directed by Denis Villeneuve. He regards the film as an essential watch for innovators, entrepreneurs, and radical philosophers. Kim praises the film for its grand scale and profound metaphors, particularly its commentary on resources and power, likening the “spice” in Dune to…

  • Just (Digitally) Buy the Movies

    Just buy it on the Apple TV app— shows what you’re truly interested in —

  • Search Eric Kim on Bitcoin

    Eric Kim’s views on Bitcoin are multifaceted, reflecting his philosophical, entrepreneurial, and creative interests. He appreciates Bitcoin for its decentralized nature, likening it to “digital gold” due to its scarcity and fixed supply of 21 million coins. This scarcity contrasts sharply with fiat currencies, which can be printed in unlimited quantities, leading to devaluation over…

  • Search Eric Kim Spartan philosophy

    Eric Kim’s exploration of Spartan philosophy integrates physicality, simplicity, and a stoic mindset, emphasizing high personal standards and a disciplined approach to life. Key Aspects of Eric Kim’s Spartan Philosophy: Eric Kim’s Spartan philosophy is about embodying strength, simplicity, and resilience, both physically and mentally. He integrates these principles into his life and work, striving…


    Eric Kim’s exploration of ethics, especially in the context of street photography, integrates his personal philosophy, aesthetics, and a strong sense of individual morality. Key Aspects of Eric Kim’s Ethical Philosophy: Eric Kim’s ethical approach combines philosophical rigor with practical guidance, encouraging creatives to act with integrity and respect while pushing their artistic boundaries. For…

  • Search Eric Kim on Kanye West

    Eric Kim admires Kanye West for his continuous innovation and creativity across various fields. Kim draws parallels between Kanye’s multifaceted career and his own approaches to photography and entrepreneurship. For more detailed insights into how Eric Kim incorporates lessons from Kanye West into his work, you can explore his blog posts on the subject.


    Eric Kim’s concept of “hypelifting” revolves around psyching oneself up to lift very heavy weights, focusing on the mental and emotional preparation before the lift. This approach is about creating an intense, almost ritualistic hype before attempting a personal record, regardless of the outcome. Key Aspects of Hypelifting: For more detailed insights into Eric Kim’s…


    Eric Kim’s weightlifting philosophy is rooted in treating the body as both a work of art and a tool for personal expression. His approach combines rigorous physical training with strict dietary practices to build strength and muscle mass. Here are some key aspects of his philosophy: Overall, Eric Kim’s weightlifting philosophy emphasizes natural strength, minimalistic…


    Eric Kim has written about the profound influence Nassim Taleb’s philosophies have had on his life and work. Here are some key insights: These philosophies have significantly shaped Eric Kim’s outlook, influencing both his personal life and his professional work as a photographer and writer. For more details on his thoughts and applications of Taleb’s…

  • ERIC KIM on John Wick

    Eric Kim has written extensively about the philosophy and cinematography of the John Wick series, highlighting several aspects that he finds particularly compelling. Overall, Eric Kim’s reflections on John Wick offer a unique blend of philosophical insight and practical life advice, showing how the intense and mercurial world of the film can provide valuable lessons…

  • The Spartan Way 

    Some radical ideas: First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do: NOT spend money I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered…

  • For Men or Women?

    Gardening plants for women?

  • Don’t React


  • The Spartan Way VLOG

    Video Podcast PDF The Spartan Way  Some radical ideas: First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do: NOT spend money I think this is a pretty big…

  • The Spartan Way 

    Some radical ideas: First, beyond purchasing food, paying rent, gasoline or electricity for your car, perhaps a really insanely innovative idea we could do is the radical opposite of what capitalistic society tries to get us to do: NOT spend money I think this is a pretty big idea because all of this is centered…

  • Spartan Training

    Real Spartan lifts —

  • Free the Hips!

    Free your hips!

  • Spartan Frugality

    We must make frugality sexy!

  • Think Cyber

    Laser eyes!


    Once Seneca goes off to college or leaves home or the nest etc ,,, are Cindy and I going to stay in LA? Probably not? Investing in global, planetary — cyber, digital real estate instead? Bitcoin!

  • Just Do What Makes Sense

    What Makes Sense And What Doesn’t Make Sense To You?

  • Everything happened as it should’ve happened

    Everything happens as it should’ve happened 

  • Never Tolerate Any Disrespect

    If anybody disrespects you, talks to you in disrespectful tone whatever… Never tolerate it, bite back. Even when in doubt, if you’re not sure whether you’re wronged or not, assume you were. Better to bite back, bark back, yell back, then to be passive

  • Bitcoin Investing 101

    Super simple– No ethereum or anything else Prediction — eventually all the money which got poured into the Ethereum ETF will soon be converted and transfers into Bitcoin ETF’s

  • Only React Every 5 Years

    And don’t be a pussy

  • Fuck Real Estate

    Maybe real estate was a good business our parents generation — but in today’s brave new digital world … perhaps not. Issues:

  • Kids > Money

    The goal isn’t to have more money or make more money… the goal is to have more kids!

  • What is Your Calling?

    The nice thing with a calling — it is ever fluid, dynamic, and ever-changing. Think about your aptitude as a seven-year-old kid, versus being a 27-year-old man, versus being a 36-year-old man?  When I was a kid, it looked like my calling was to become a scientist, maybe an engineer, artist, as I was…


    Tacoma TRD iforce hybrid — I’m really into it right now?

  • Take the *Easiest* Path in Life

    The cult of hard, “hardness”— a “hard life”— seems slavish to me. Buy Bitcoin, sitting on your Bitcoin, and continually accumulating it seems like the easiest path forward!


    In a world in which productivity no longer matters ,,, then what do we center our lives around?


    Never eat anything before weight lifting — only water, black coffee:


    Nobody likes softcore:

  • Extreme Reduction

    Extreme distillation to the pure essence —


    Model 3 long range rear wheel drive, stealth grey — only 29,990!!??! 363 mile range as well????!!? Wow.

  • Apple is on the way out

    Overheard some Apple employees in Culver City about selling their stock options?

  • The Gift of Youth

    Youth over money If you’re 99 years old, worth $100B… about to die … wouldn’t you trade 100% of your wealth to be 26 years old again?

  • Facebook is Bad

    Too much emotions, too much trauma on it; being monetized.

  • Digital Dick Measuring Contest?

    This is what money, how much money your net worth is worth, followers etc?