
Female versus male tactics?

For example in terms of child rearing; a huge difference between the way that women raise children versus men.

Also, assuming that you have a son, I find it very weird how there is not more emphasis being put on men rearing their own male children!

Or think, how would a Spartan raise his son? How would King Leonidas raise his son?

Every day is leg day.

Assuming that maximal productivity is your goal, in terms of the best exercise to maximize your productivity, always do some sort of exercise which involves your legs, and standing.

The best exercises for travelers?

Anything which involves carrying a really really heavy load on your back, imagine liking a really really heavy backpack, and also, carrying really really heavy suitcases or bags, imagine a farmer’s carry.

Fat guy in a pink Lamborghini Aventador?

Today, I saw a Lamborghini Aventador, wrapped in some sort of a hot metallic pink vinyl wrap. Appeared inside to see who was driving it, and it look like a fat guy, with his massive beer gut sticking out into the seat.

Observing this, first and foremost, in real life, the Lamborghini Aventador is actually not that interesting or impressive looking. Maybe it is more of the fascination of the scissor doors which interests us?


Money as a tool and means to help you produce more?

Health and productivity

The healthier you become, the more productive you shall become.

Therefore from a purely productivity mindset, if your ultimate goal is to maximize your productivity, the best way to strategize your money time and life is to strive to maximize your health. Simple ideas include working out at least twice a day, in a single given day once doing yoga, and once going to the gym.

How to leverage money

Thinking about what Peter Thiel said and his zero to one book; it looks like money managers, asset managers, people who invest in the stock market and assets, have no idea what to do with their money.

Let us assume you have $750,000 in cash, what do you want to do with it?

Unlock the silos?

Unlocking photos stuck in your SD card, hard drive, or iCloud Library?

SWIFT x CHAINLINK x Blockchain Crypto

For anyone who had to deal with the insane annoyance of transferring money internationally with SWIFT —

Chainlink will be used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) will enable complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains.

Very interesting.

Smaller batteries, faster recharge times

Rather than striving to continually increase the battery life of things, better instead to strive to increase the RECHARGE TIMES for things!

For example, may be the best idea is to just get a base level Tesla Model 3 with the smallest battery range but simply ensure you got the fast charger at home? Or close proximity to a super charger?

Also remember — you can charge your iPhone with your iPad!

Beautiful bathrooms

My personal thought is that instead of beautifying a space, on the outside or even the lobby, putting 1000x detail to make the bathroom beautiful is actually the most critical.

I think it was even Anthony Bourdain who won said that you could tell the overall quality of a restaurant by seeing how well maintained the bathroom is.

External battery packs are a good idea

Don’t upgrade your phone for the battery life, just buy an external battery pack instead!

The overall idea; decrease the weight of the actual product, put the battery somewhere else externally!

Smaller batteries?

Statics vs dynamics

It seems in life we have a passion for dynamics and change, growth advancement etc.

For example, I think the general displeasure people get from let’s say getting the best thing possible, like a Tesla model S plaid, is that once you got it, it’s the end of the road. There is not really much left to aspire towards.

Reusable Solutions

Dyson vacuum — cordless, electric rechargeable — this thing is amazing!

Also thank god clothes are “reusable”!

Issues with digital cameras with non interchangeable lenses — you cannot replace the sensor. Or if any part of it breaks, the whole thing goes kaput. For example, my extreme annoyance that after my Ricoh 3 or 3x breaks, the whole thing is pretty much unusable.

Also the big issue with iPad; essentially the iPad is not really reusable beyond 2 to 3 years. Yours got an upgrade or replace it sooner or later.

The very good thing a Tesla — the body style will pretty much not change much, even a few decades from now. And also the outside is because it is electric, just recharge it! And definitely reusable.

Ghost Thoughts

GHOST — Really inspired by the new Rolls-Royce ghost marketing material and imagery.

The reason I like it is that there is lots of white space, the text is minimal yet poetic, and the imagery is artistic.

Also, the Rolls-Royce cost no longer becomes a car, but rather, a canvas for your creative expression?

The upside of driving a beater

The upside of driving a shitty old car is that you don’t really care where to park at, and less concerned that people will scratch or mess up your car.

For example, let’s say that you had a Rolls Royce or something else, the stress of trying to park it somewhere which it is less likely to get messed up by other trolls.

Powerful Proportions

Looking at a Rolls Royce, and a Rolls-Royce Cullinan; it is the powerful proportions which impresses us!

Then perhaps our personal goal is to create our body to become powerful in our proportions as well.

men versus women

Men only care to compete with other men, not women?

Women; do they care to “compete“?

Money as a tool for leverage?

I want to go beyond!

Perhaps the best way to think about money is that it is a tool for leverage. So the question is, how do you desire to use money?

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