
Backpacks are a great invention

One of the things that I’ve learned from Seneca’s children books on vehicles is this interesting question, “can a human being be a vehicle? “

Anti Fragmentation

For example — why make a 15 inch MacBook Air, shouldn’t Apple focus on improving their Touch Bar MacBook Pro instead?

Much innovation still to be had in the Touch Bar!

The Incredible Bulk

How? 4 pounds of beef and or lamb a night! Intermittent fasting during day, only dinner.

100% carnivore diet. Extremely heavy weight lifting one rep max during the day!

Also, “lean gains”.

Not “bulking up” (getting fat) in the traditional sense, but becoming more dominating!

Beautiful out of focus photos?

The Lumix G9 + Leica lumix 12mm 1.4 lens produces very beautiful and artsy out of focus photos, in dynamic mono chrome high green, black and white JPEG.

How to Become More Manly

Atlas lift

On our quest to become ever more manly, how do we do it?

1. Eat more organ meats and flesh meat

Beef liver, organ meats or a natural steroid. The most supreme form of nutrition to become more manly is organ meat, beef liver, beef heart, beef liver etc. Also in terms of the hierarchy of meat, I think the top is beef, then Lam. Pork is fine, I suggest eating pork if you can’t afford beef. Pork is white meat. And don’t eat chicken, chicken is not meat.

2. One rep max lifting— legs.

Peak power resides in your legs.

The reason why I believe that the atlas lift is the new god of of all lifts is that you can move the most weight!

Foods which make you more powerful?

Apparently to some aborigine communities, they believe the human soul resides in the liver. And the general thought is that the more liver you consume of other animals, the more your soul grows.

To me this makes that sense. When carnivores first kill the animal, kill their prey, the first thing they do is good for the liver.

One thing I was curious about was when and why did we start to disfavor organ meats in favor for muscle flesh meat?

Apparently after doing some research, one thing that I discovered is that flesh meat keeps longer than organ meats. Organ meats spoil quickly and must be eaten fresh. Therefore maybe just from an industrialization perspective, organ meats aren’t good for economic reasons, and therefore, steak, flesh meat was made to be more desirable.

Nature doesn’t lie.

The reason why I think it is so wise to study nature is that nature doesn’t have some sort of political agenda, and doesn’t really have anything to gain. Nature is more rational and logical, and is honest and cruel.

The uberman, Overman shall consume more meat

This modern day trend towards “balanced diet”, consuming more vegetables fruit and grain, is all nonsensical. The reason why this trend is happening towards vegetarianism, veganism, and more “plant-based diets”:

  1. Ethical reasons: people believe that eating animals is unethical
  2. Economic reasons: you can make a much fatter profit off of vegetarian and vegan food, and vegetarian and vegan protein powder than animal products. Animal products spoil too quickly, plant-based products and starches keep longer.
  3. Competing industries; people make fallacious connections between things; for example, typically people who consume more McDonald’s have higher incidences of obesity, heart attacks, cancer etc. But how much of this is an issue about social economic class than diet?
  4. A lot of people who control the media also control vertical integrations for food production. For example, let us say that you are a Hollywood producer who owns a pea protein plant-based protein powder factory. And also, you film fund and produce Netflix documentaries which say that eating more plants is better for you and eating meat is bad for you. Who is the sucker here? Just Google James Cameron and his pea protein powder company, and also see who funded all of these anti-meet propaganda films on Netflix (also James Cameron).

Liver king?

Apparently there is this guy on YouTube called liver king, who for a while was actually proposing this notion that eating more liver, beef liver helped you gain more muscle, was a natural steroid etc. Funny enough they also found out that this guy was taking about $10,000 a month of steroids. However I think myself as a test subject, Eric Kim, 100% natty, Intermittent fasting, only one massive 100% carnivore diet dinner a night, has proven that you can do it.

Ultimately, what is it that we desire?

We desire more power. Physiological power, muscular power, skeletal power, more hype, more courage, more manliness etc.

How to Pack for a Trip

Currently in the midst of packing and strategizing for a month and a half trip in Saigon Vietnam and also South Korea.

The tricky thing; what is the most efficient and effective way to pack for a trip?

General thoughts:

The first is in regards to things; now that we are strong enough, when in doubt, pack extra. Especially now that you got a kid, just pack extra diapers and other random stuff. Of course you could still procure it when you were overseas quite easily, but, if you are muscular and strong enough, and can load heavy weights, packing extra ain’t a big deal.


Don’t pack formal apparel, and also, don’t pack or bring anything that is cotton. Quick dry clothing, whether it be synthetic or natural, like merino wool is best.


Pack extra shoes if you have foot problems. But otherwise, one pair of shoes is enough.

Computer things

Just bring it all. Bring your laptop, iPad, your iPhone, etc. The new pro tip I have is that if you have an older phone, a random old iPhone or android, pack that as well. Why? Sometimes when you’re abroad, having an extra phone is good because sometimes one of your phones won’t work. For example, for my upcoming trip I will just bring my old android phone as a back up.

Also some thing I’ve discovered is that internationally, it is super easy to just get a prepaid Sim card at the airport, and it is super cheap. However now that the new iPhones don’t have a removable Sim tray, having an older iPhone with a removable Sim tray is best.

What do you want out of your trip?

Ultimately this is the most critical thing; just think to yourself, ultimately what is it that you desire to gain from the trip?

For myself, traveling as an opportunity to think, do you think differently, do you think a bigger. Also, a chance to be excited for new opportunities new experiences and things. New growth opportunities, new mind growth opportunities etc.

The Most Efficient Workout

The most efficient work out, especially if you are strapped on time is simple; go to the gym, preferably one with heavy dumbbells, and simply do “dumbbell pick ups”. This is the basic thought:

Go to the dumbbell rack, and all you gotta do is pick up the dumbbell with both hands, stand up, and put back the weight back.

Simple progression is just jump up 10 pounds at a time. For example start off by picking up the 10 pound dumbbells, put it back, then pick up the 20 pound dumbbells, put it back, then the 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, until finally you get to 150.

This is a work out I propose for Elon Musk; honestly the whole work out shouldn’t take you more than 10 minutes tops. With the heavier dumbbells just use liquid chalk gym to increase grip strength in your hands.

What if you don’t have heavy dumbbells at the gym? I propose the ERIC KIM ROPE; triple braided paracord 550 type III; stick the braided rope in between the 45 pound plates at the gym, twice, make a handle and just pick it up. I have done this successfully with five plates— which essentially you create a ghetto 225 pound dumbbell. I plan on experimenting with this trying to lift six plates, seven plates, eventually eight plates. One of my favorite exercises was lifting up the legendary 330 pound dumbbells at golds gym in Venice Beach; very good work out.


I have a theory that grip strength is strength, and also, any sort of exercise which promotes you standing straight up and walking around is good for you. Also, exercises which you’re lying on your back or sitting down aren’t good.

Also, assuming that you’re some sort of photographer, artist, traveler, nomad etc.; Justin, when would you ever be lying on your back, and somebody hands you a really really heavy bag, and you have to press it upwards while lying on your back? Benchpress doesn’t really make any sense.

I suppose to a certain degree an overhead press makes sense, if you’re picking up a heavy bag and trying to put it in the overhead bin. But still, it seems that 99.99% injuries that people get from the gym include bench press, overhead press, shoulder head press, etc. Maybe the problem is that people don’t spend enough time warming up their shoulders, and also doing shoulder mobility strengthening exercises. Or just in general, people should just be doing certain weightlifting exercises which more promote their legs.

Make Beautiful Art Objects

Something about production:

The modern day economy thrives on production of new things, yet the issue is all of these things become so obsolete so quickly.

A simple solution is to design and create things which are insanely beautiful, striving to be a perfectionist when creating something. This was the passion of Steve Jobs.

I think that the creator and the producer should try to think at least a decade ahead. Just think, a decade from now, 10 years from now, will this thing still be beautiful? And still be usable?

I think this is the big issue; especially when we create things with have certain naming conventions, the number will soon get outdated soon. For example, we currently have the iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro, there will soon be an iPhone 15 and an iPhone 15 Pro, an iPhone 16, 17, 18, 19, and eventually, “iPhone XX”

I think one of the good promises of Tesla’s, Tesla cars is that I believe, they will still be great, usable, and functional even 30, 40, 50 years from now. Assuming that today, even if you bought a super base level Tesla model three, I think 30 to 40 to 50 years from now, you will still be able to plug it in, charge it, and drive it around.

Nobody likes to think 30 to 40 to 50 years ahead, but I think it is good because from an entrepreneur novation perspective of things, you have greater foresight, and also you could think beyond.

For example a Tesla model 3, the body styling will probably not change much. The same goes with the Tesla model Y, X, and S. I believe this to be a good thing; striving to make the design of something so perfect that it will not simply get outdated every year or two. Compare this with most modern day cars, they suddenly change the body exterior styling every one or two years, simply to keep getting people to buy new and new models. But, all of these exterior design choices that most of these car manufacturers make are superficial; the core product doesn’t change much.

People get addicted to stress?

The funny thing is I have observed, people who are chronically stressed, and always stressed, they think it is a duty to always be stressed.

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