Exposure triangle haptic illuminati

Exposure — how does this concept apply to photography?

  1. Exposure: We want more exposure for our pictures (a wider audience of people to see and appreciate our pictures).
  2. Exposure: How to light a picture — how dark or light our pictures are.
  3. Exposure: Exposing your viewer to new ideas, new pictures, and new visual stimulation.

Exposure triangle

Exposure triangle: a relationship between Aperture, ISO, shutter speed

The exposure triangle:

  • ISO


eric kim street photography hanoi-0005586
Shot in a doorway with natural light, -1 exposure compensation in P mode

The amount of light you let enter your sensor, your film, or your eye.

When you live life… do you live with your aperture wide open— and only see what is very close to you, with limited depth of field?

Photograph of Cindy’s face In the bright sun, shot with -1 exposure compensation, to accentuate the circle around her face.
Photograph of Cindy’s face In the bright sun, shot with -1 exposure compensation, to accentuate the circle around her face.

Or is your vision stopped down — with more depth of field?

The reason I like to zone focus and shoot at f8-f16, is that I want to have DEEP DEPTH OF FIELD. I want to see everything — what is very close to me, What is in the mid Ground, and what is very far away.

A photo I took of a man sitting across from me in Amsterdam, with a Ricoh GR1s. All shot with autofocus and "P" mode -- auto exposure did a pretty good job
Amsterdam man in train, 2012

Don’t live life at f/1.4– with a limited perspective and depth.


Portrait of Cindy on Ricoh GR II, Program Mode,-1 exposure compensation.
Portrait of Cindy on Ricoh GR II, Program Mode,-1 exposure compensation.

ISO: how sensitive your eyes, or your camera sensor.

The more sensitive your ISO, the more sensitive your eyes are to light. I want to live life at ISO 3200- sensitive to the suffering and pain of others. I want to live at 3200- to be able to see light and hope when I’m stumbling around in the dark.

Shutter speed

Street portrait with -1 2/3 exposure compensation. To make his face more dramatic and pop from the background. By using minus exposure compensation, the background turns totally black.
Street portrait with -1 2/3 exposure compensation. To make his face more dramatic and pop from the background. By using minus exposure compensation, the background turns totally black.

Shutter speed: how fast your lens blinks, or how you blink.

Shutter speed — I like my pictures sharp. I want to keep my vision sharp — no blur.

I want to stay sharp, focused, and want my philosophy not to be in-between and blurry.

I want my mind, body, and soul to be sharp.

Exposure to ideas

This spectacular image of the Orion Nebula star-formation region was obtained from multiple exposures using the HAWK-I infrared camera on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. This is the deepest view ever of this region and reveals more very faint planetary-mass objects than expected.
This spectacular image of the Orion Nebula star-formation region was obtained from multiple exposures using the HAWK-I infrared camera on ESO’s Very Large Telescope in Chile. This is the deepest view ever of this region and reveals more very faint planetary-mass objects than expected.

I don’t care to have super wide exposure — I would rather light and expose my small audience to a few influential ideas.

In life and photography, you can make pictures and ideas — that can give your viewer the opportunity to think or see differently.

But as a photographer, you can only expose them to the ideas and pictures, you cannot force them to consume your ideas.

Exposure of your pictures


If your passion is photography, but you have no aspirations to make a living from your photography, perhaps your ambition is to get “more exposure for your pictures”.

Lens Culture promises aspiring photographers to have more exposure for their pictures.

For you — how much exposure do you want with your pictures? Do you want millions of people to appreciate and love your pictures? Or do you want to curate a small, and focused audience — with 1,000 real fans?

Consider what is your exposure triangle in life.




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