Eric Kim eye

How to Move the World with Photography

For myself, I personally desire to use photography as a form of leverage to change and move the world.

Naive is good

The world-weary say–

To attempt to change the world and move the world is vain.

I say —

Even if your photos can change the heart or soul of 1 other human being on planet earth, it is all worth it.

Lever it.

As I said prior in my ‘photography leverage‘ post, I believe that your #1 strength (photography) can indeed change and shift the world.

Why? Photos are a universal language. It don’t matter if you speak Korean, Khmer, Vietnamese, Spanish, English, etc — everyone can look at a photo and understand it. Even Seneca looks at books of photos with kids and can imitate and mimic the expressions of the kids in the photos.

Why photography?

Still in today’s hyper-modern world, I don’t know if people truly understand the power of photography.

Consider photography — the uber-immediate visual impact you get from photos. Also, imputing your soul into your photos. Whenever anyone looks at a photo by you, they can see you.

Pix or it didn’t happen

Also with photography, it is a form of proof. Shooting photos or videos (videos are just moving photos), you have better ‘proof’ of your existence, what you do, etc.

Perhaps everyone should strive to become an ‘influencer’

My funny heuristic:

If someone calls themselves an ‘influencer’, they are not influential.

But what does it mean to be ‘influential’? I think a more interesting idea:

Influential means things that flows out of you (flex).

Thus as a photographer, if images flow out of you, you are an ‘influential’ photographer. Once again, our rule:

If we publish one photo, or one thing, which even has a .00001% chance of influencing another human being on planet earth (out of 7+ billion), it is worth it.

What drives me?

What drives me and what drives you?

For me, I believe it is a hunger for adventure. Even photography is just a shortcut for adventure.

Currently here in Phnom Penh Cambodia, and I love it! It is like a low-key Hanoi– with lots of ‘up and coming’ developments, and the economy is on the up and up. To be able to witness these things firsthand, make photos is one of the greatest joys of existence.

I am glad I was born

As much as we may sometimes bemoan existence and the scars of our past, I believe —

I am (very) glad I was born.

Why? The joy of existence is being able to explore the world, have kids, make art, and also having the ability to impact and influence the lives of others.

For example the power of a blog, or an email newsletter. Being able to reach thousands of folks from all around the globe. I have started to realize more and more, the best way to maximize your reach as a photographer isn’t through social media, or even YouTube — it is through your own blog, your own podcast, your own email newsletter. The trifecta.

You are the full-stack human

Something else I believe in:

Don’t just pigeon-hole yourself into photography– share it all.

For example my passion for weight lifting (powerlifting, deadlifts, etc), my passion for muscles, and also meat. For me my whole blog is more of my personal soul and lifestyle, and my blog is simply a mind-stream and image-stream of my personal life.

I like the idea that with blogs, you can simply share your own life photo stream. You are the stream.

How to motivate your photography

To motivate means to move. To move physically or emotionally.

Making photos is pretty much all about leaving the house, going on mini-adventures, and photographing the journey along the way.

To better motivate your emotions in photography, I say simply photograph those whom you love. Photograph yourself (don’t you love yoruself?) your kids, your wife, your partner, your friends, anyone who you have an emotional connection with.

Like my friend Josh White said —

We will not care about all these photos of strangers we shoot at the end of our lives, it will be the photos that we shot of our loved ones.

Love on, shoot on!

Level up your photography

Learn how to make photos you are proud of at an ERIC KIM EXPERIENCE >>>

If this gave you any turbo thoughts, feel free to forward or share to a friend!