Weighing Yourself is Self-Esteem Suicide

To weigh yourself, whether your scale-weight (how fat you are), weighing yourself in terms of your bank account balance, weighing yourself in your social media following numbers likes views etc is self-esteem suicide.

What is self-esteem suicide? Quantifying your self-worth and ‘progress’ through numbers.

Unquantify yourself.

Some pragmatic ideas:

  1. Get rid of your scale at home or in your bathroom. Just give it away or throw it away. Better to just look at yourself naked in the bathroom mirror before you shower to judge your body composition.
  2. Delete Instagram. The worst thing for your self-esteem as an artist. Start your own websiteblog instead.
  3. Don’t look at your bank account balance. Make sure you got enough money to pay rent but beyond that… you are not your bank account balance. You are not “ones and zeros” and commas.