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In Praise of Working Hard

What I like about the working hard ethos;; we have control over our destiny. We can have pride that we are self-made.

1. Hard work for your muscles

Workout hard and lift heavy weights and stress your body. The challenges will augment your muscular growth. Of course there might be some others out there who don’t gotta work as hard as you, but why do you care? And others might be ‘cheating’ by taking steroids, growth enhancing drugs, etc… but once again … why do you care? Shouldn’t you just focus on yourself and your own personal growth and gains?

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2. Squandering your gifts and potential?

What does it mean to squander your gifts and potential? The basic idea:

You’re blessed to be born and alive. Don’t you want to maximize your gift of life?

Of course one man’s “lazy” is another man’s “industrious”. Don’t let others talk down on you and call you lazy and so forth. But I would say for myself, the only downside of a human is when they squander their gifts and talents.

3. Making yourself is more fun!

To make yourself is more fun and interesting. To have challenge, difficulty and danger in life is 100000x more fun than a soft, predictable, and boring life.

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4. Are we lazy, uncertain, afraid, or taught to not do anything?

My thought–

Christian-Judeo-Utilitarian morality has us thinking that it is evil to be exceptional.

Consider, if we differentiate ourselves from the herd, we make others feel ‘bad’ about themselves. Thus, we are taught from a moralistic perspective that exceptionalism is bad. The only safe approach is mediocrity. And we are punished by a hypothetical and theoretical afterlife (hell).

Living to Die or Dying to Live freestyle poem
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