earth abstract

What is a Pandemic?

Pandemic — something affecting all (pan) the people (demos).


What affects all of humanity?

Earth: iPad Background (Apple)
Earth: iPad Background (Apple)

A pandemic is effectively something that affects all of humankind. What makes COVID-19 so interesting to me is this:

It is affecting all peoples, all countries, all walks of life, all social classes, all sexes, genders, races, etc.

DON’T LIVE IN FEAR // Chatting with an Amazon Delivery Worker

The irony:

Those who are still working manual jobs are probably less anxious and physiologically unhealthy, because they can still go out, work, move around, keep their minds busy, and not stay indoors all day and read fear-feeds.

How does the pandemic affect you?

What is a Pandemic?

Now this is where things get interesting–

Now that we know that a pandemic is an issue affecting ALL OF HUMANITY (all 7 billion of us), then comes then question — how do you want to continue to live your life?

Can I live?

Walk Outside as Much As You Can

For me, my upsides of the pandemic:

  1. Less distractions with consumerism and capitalist things. Inability to go to coffee shops means more focus working at home. Less “what if’s?” in my mind. Figuring out how to best leverage what I already got, and how to maximize myself.
  2. Deeper gratitude. Not taking anything for granted anymore. Like the saying — “You don’t know what you appreciate until you lose it.”
  3. What do you want from your life? This is the ultimate philosophical question!
hope ERIC KIM talking gif

Read more: What do you want from your life?