

It blows my mind that it is 2020 already — I feel a bit disappointed. Where are my flying cars? My Jetsons future?

For example, how can we optimize our lives, tools, diet, lifestyle, and living habitations to account for the year 2020?


Some ideas of things which I’m grateful for in 2020, and what is useful to optimize your life:

  1. Washer in-unit
  2. Micro apartment
  3. MacBook Pro laptop
  4. iPad
  5. Hygiene, clean water
  6. Website — open source to power it!
  7. Tools, gadgets, and gizmos which make cooking so easy: Crockpot making it so easy to make meat.
  8. Not having to work a 9-5 job for a living — the innovation of being able to become self employed using the internet at your tool.
  9. Insanely fast WiFi
  10. No need to own a car: Uber everywhere, walk, or take public transit. Or rent a car.
  11. Hyper cheap clothing, furniture, and all the basic necessities for life.
  12. Practically free unlimited entertainment, books, education, music, art, photos, videos, and access to knowledge.
  13. Ability to learn how to do anything with Google and YouTube.
  14. No death from infectious diseases
  15. Climate regulation (heaters, air conditioning)
  16. Free communications anywhere across the world.

But what is the purpose and point of having all this extra free time and leisure?

This will be the point of my next essay.