Los Angeles, 2019 #ricohgriii

How to Express Yourself through Photography

Photography as Self-Expression

Photography is a tool to “express” yourself (ex+press — to press out your soul into the world, via your photos).

1.Reveal what you consider beautiful

Kyoto, 2017 #cindyproject
Kyoto, 2017 #cindyproject

Whenever you photograph something, you deem it beautiful. Thus photograph what you consider beautiful, in order to share that with others!

2.Photograph your experiences

Los Angeles, 2019 #cindyproject
Los Angeles, 2019 #cindyproject

Photograph your life experiences. This is how to embed your soul into your photographs, and to document/memorialize your life experiences and happenings.

3.Shoot your selfie

Honor your selfie by photographing yourself. If you want to express yourself, shouldn’t you also photograph yourself?

Shoot selfies of yourself in the mirror, or just pointing your camera towards yourself.

I love the idea of shooting selfies— you make yourself psychologically naked, and quite literally show yourself through your photos.

Or another idea: have others shoot you (but you ask them to shoot you). Cindy often does this with me.

Honor thy selfie!

4.Share your photos

Share your own photos. Not on social media (Facebook/Instagram), but on your own website, your own blog, your own platform.

If you don’t own your platform, you don’t own yourself, nor do you own your own photos.

Eric kim hand

Until you own your platform, you don’t own your photos.

Conclusion: You and your photos are worthy

Los Angeles, 2019 #ricohgriii
Los Angeles, 2019 #ricohgriii

You don’t gotta prove nothing to nobody through your photography. You, your photos, and your artwork is already worthy. Express yourself through your photos by shooting what is genuine to you and what is meaningful to you. Then share these images without hesitation or fear.

You have so much greatness and grandeur; why delay sharing yourself and your work?