How to Create More

I am one of the most creatively productive people I know. Here are some practical thoughts and tips on how to create more:



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1. Standing desk

Cindy at work at her makeshift standing desk in our apartment in Kyoto, 2018
Cindy at work at her makeshift standing desk in our apartment in Kyoto, 2018

Practical tip:

If you do your primary creative work on a laptop, utilize a standing desk!

The benefit of standing desks:

  • No back pain: When I sit down in a chair, I instantly get back pain
  • When you are standing and working, you can dance along to the music, and it will motivate you to create more.
  • My theory is that when we stand, we engage our muscles more, which gives us more creative ideas and motivation.

I have pretty much sworn off sitting. Whenever possible, I never sit. Always stand, move, walk!

2. Publish as you go

I used to do this with writing and blogging:

Write something until I feel it is perfect, and wait until I publish it.

Now — I treat creation like live-streaming. I write and publish as I go, and click “update” as I continue to add information to my blog posts.

3. Cold brew coffee

To me, coffee is the best creative drug which has ever been discovered.

If you need a shot of inspiration, have a double-espresso. Or better yet, triple.

Or if you’re really ready to go super hard, I encourage cold-brew coffee (less acidity, more caffeine content). Even Starbucks has a good cold brew now (order a cold brew with no water or ice, for higher concentration).

Portrait by Luis Donoso. At Haus Coffee in SF

4. Coffee shop

I find my best work is done in coffee shops or public places. Why? My theory:

Seeing other humans motivates us. Furthermore, slight distractions at coffee shops allow us us to focus.

For example, I cannot do any creative work in a dead-silent place like a library. I need some chaos, randomness, and distractions in order to create!

Standing desk for coffee in Saigon (nice view too!)
Standing desk for coffee in Saigon (nice view too!)

5. Just get in front of a laptop

Saigon, 2017 #cindyproject
Saigon, 2017 #cindyproject

Cindy said something good to me:

I think I just need to sit down in front of a laptop and create stuff.

I truly believe that a maxed-out MacBook Pro can be one of the best tools of creation. Also good include iPad Pro. You can also create much on an iPhone (I’ve written lots of blog posts on IA WRITER on iPhone, and shot tons of photos on HUJI CAM APP).

6. Get out of the house

Processed with VSCO with x1 preset. Cindy in coffee shop. Processed XF10 raw photo.

If you want to be more creative and motivated, get out of the house. Go to a local coffee shop, go on a walk, visit the local library, the local pub– any place you like to be!

7. Go on a cruise

Go on a cheap Carnival cruise — probably one of the most interesting experiences of my life.

Why? Being on a cruiseship is like being on a spaceship. You are disconnected from wifi. You have lots of blue sky and sea to think, contemplate, and meditate. You got a hot sauna, a gym, and unlimited meat. What else do you need to live or survive?

I wrote much and thought much while on a cruise (I can’t wait until I go on another one with Cindy!)

Sitting on the fake grass at the front of the cruise ship (on the top floor). Drinking coffee, thinking, reading, and doing some creative work.

8. Shoot more photos

To me, photography is the best creative tool.

Why? With photography (and the camera)– you can make instant visual art-works! Nothing is better or faster.

And yes, photography is a legitimate art-creation form!

9. Calligraphy

I am a huge fan of ‘ZEN BRUSH 2’ app for iPhone/iPad. Whenever I want to illustrate a concept or idea, I just open the app and sketch it for fun.

It don’t gotta be good– that is why it is so fun and easy to create!


Life is short. Make more, create more, dream more, think more, and motivate yourself more!




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