How to Make More Ambitious Photography Compositions

Study compositions from other great photographers you admire, break them down, and aspire to take your own compositions to the next level!

Some inspiration from Garry Winogrand:

1. Shoot head-on

When shooting, get directly in front of whoever you’re photographing. The effect is the photo feels far more dynamic — almost as if the subject will collide directly with you, the viewer!

2. Get close, shoot vertically (28mm)

Walk directly around people, to shoot more head-on (cutoff technique).

3. Shoot from behind someone’s shoulder, get close

Note the sharp light, the faces of both subjects, and 4 subjects in frame.

4. Hand gesture across the frame, and faces

When you see an interesting hand gesture, get close and get the hand gesture to move across the frame!

5. Surreal urban landscape

One of my favorite Winogrand photos. Note how the child pops out from the background, and the intentionally far distance.

6. Lots of action, get close to the action, and capture hand gestures and the curve of human bodies (into the background).

7. Flash scene, get close to the action

Shoot at balls or any other fun indoor events. Note all the interesting faces of the people, the direction they’re looking.

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