Month: December 2023

  • Cocaine impotence

    Why Cocaine use can have various adverse effects on sexual function. One of the potential side effects is sexual dysfunction, which can include impotence (erectile dysfunction). Cocaine is a stimulant that can initially increase libido and sexual arousal, but with prolonged use or high doses, it can lead to decreased sexual desire, difficulty in achieving…




    CINEMA BY KIM Cinema and film as a great stimulus, aid and teacher for photographers and visual artists alike. Cinematography and life lessons: Cinema and Film Reviews Space Films Cinema and philosophy GODFATHER Gangster Films ACTION FILMS CITIZEN KANE: Articles on Cinema Great Cinema

  • George Lucas Quotes

    Quotes biography Narrative art? As the first museum to focus exclusively on storytelling through images, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art™ believes that visual storytelling can connect us and help shape a more just society.  Star … Wars? LUCAS MUSEUM OF THE NARRATIVE ARTS?

  • Foreign

    Foreign ideologies are bad. Time to dominate!



    The scapegoating phenomenon, and the underlying mechanisms behind and underneath scape-goatting? For example how and why are Jewish people used as the supreme scapegoat? People only hate Jewish people because they’re either envious, jealous or suspicious scared of them Some thoughts on Jewish people: First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because…

  • Wise vs Woke

    Becoming wise, judicious, is the goal … not to be PC, politically correct, WOKE whatever nonsensical modern day millenial nonsense.

  • Eric Kim on Memento Mori

    You will and *MUST* die. Quotes more More Memento mori quotes Eric Kim’s perspective on “Memento Mori” seems to intertwine with his broader philosophy on life and productivity. In his writings, he reflects on the concept of “Memento Mori” – the reminder of our own mortality – and its implications on how we choose to…


    Street photography is just applied visual sociology! Quotes MASTER THE STREETS:  ERIC KIM CHATGPT BOTS STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT Open source: View all > Video STREET PHOTOGRAPHY 101 STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT Master street photography with STREET PHOTOGRAPHY STARTER KIT. STREET PHOTOGRAPHY 101 If you’re new to street photography, start here: Brave New Street Photography…

  • Eric Kim on Sociology

    Sociology is lit Eric Kim expresses a profound appreciation for sociology, viewing it as a foundational discipline for understanding various fields of knowledge. He emphasizes its role in fostering free thinking and unlearning societal misconceptions. Kim regards sociology as the “ultimate ‘generalist’ major,” essential for comprehending business, finance, politics, and more, as these fields are…

  • Eric Kim on how to make your own website blog

    Until you own you can’t be free, how we still slaves in 2016? – JAY Z Quotes Easy—

  • Eric Kim on sole proprietor

    Start your own photo business — fly solo! File not as LLC, but as a sole proprietor. Just use TurboTax! Eric Kim sole proprietor quotes Eric Kim, a renowned figure in street photography, has shared his insights on entrepreneurship, particularly regarding the idea of operating as a sole proprietor. He advocates for going solo in…

  • Who to trust? Don’t outsource your thinking!

    First and foremost, don’t trust nobody but yourself. Why? You yourself are the center of all intelligence wisdom and critical thinking. To outsource your intelligence wisdom and thinking is base. Don’t outsource your thinking!


    Time for me to open up my own fight club!


    Some thoughts on Jewish people: First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people –their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing, how they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc. For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… going to the temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in…


    Vid So litty

  • SPUNK.

    Make your own grid!

  • We need new concepts

    My big critique of modern day media movies etc. is that it is all the same same. It is not necessarily the movie or TV show or series itself which is the issue here, but rather the concept, the overall gist behind it. For example, at this point I’m pretty bored with the whole superhero…

  • The first 10 seconds

    You can see whether something is interesting or boring based on the first 10 seconds of watching it.


    Ok … when you wanna delete, unsubscribe or something from something … why is it so fucking annoying? Just one click done dammit! Don’t offer me a damn “last chance to keep my subscription BS”!


    Often we are using things that ain’t optimal or the best … and there are *better* and more superior and supreme options out there. However the issue — When you try to adopt a new platform technology or whatever… perhaps the “gains” from this new technology or platform *IS A NET-NEGATIVE* to what you already…


    To uninstall is the superior path!


    Why this matters so much? To me, how one researches is actually more fascinating and interesting than their findings! Or in other words, how one thinks. Split screen — screen recording:

  • “Fiber”?

    You don’t need fiber for digestion! I’m 100% carnivore red meat beef lamb diet and I go consistently every single day, I’m the morning after my morning coffee and tap water?

  • Quality.

    Think quality — quality is critical! It never pays to go cheap!

  • 10 Years

    If you knew you were going to die in 10 years, how would you live your life or differently?


    Even though it may be seen as “bad”, or a “waste of time”.

  • What’s Real?

    You, yourself, your family, your wife, your kids, etc.


    Living inside a ford E-transit? Only $46,000 USD?


    ”Chilling like a villain” Take it “easy”!


    Only losers scapegoat?


    Some thoughts on Jewish people: First, seems that American people are suspicious of Jewish people because they don’t understand Jewish people their customs their beliefs, their names their clothing they talk, their last names, cultural thoughts etc. For example, Hanukkah. A menorah dreidel etc.… A lot, temple? The average Christian, Catholic protestant in America has…

  • No more scapegoating!

    Just leave Jewish people alone!

  • The worlds richest people are American, not Jewish.

    Elon musk, Jeff Bezos; both American.

  • Christians (Protestant American Caucasians) are Anti Jewish: The Gentle Art of Changing Jewish Names

    In 1808 Napoleon sent out a decree commanding all Jews to adopt family names. The names were devised from precious stones, as Rubenstein; precious metals, such as Goldstein, Silberberg; plants, trees, and animals, such as Mandelbaum, Lilienthal, Ochs, Wolf, and Loewe. Last name Concept Super interesting! The German Jews created surnames by the simple method…

  • Jewish Jazz Becomes Our National Music

    PDF HENRY FORD Notes from anti Jewish Henry Ford publication: Popular Music is a Jewish monopoly. Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, the slush, the sly suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin.


    For example … would you trust a great philosopher, thinker and “thought leader” (man) who espouses notions of female equal rights blah blah blah … yet secretly watches really weird porn behind the scenes? No. Or if this man is secretly cheating on his wife?

  • Why we shouldn’t trust Karl Marx

    Trusting a man to philosophize on economics, economic theory and work … who essentially was unemployed or didn’t earn income … his thoughts carry no legit weight. And common … Karl Marx had an affair with the family housemaid, Helene Demuth… birthing an illegitimate son (Frederick Demuth). Zero respect for anyone who cheats on their…


    Did Karl Marx ditch his wife and spouse?

  • Was Marx Jewish

    Marx critical of religion Who was his dad and mom history ancestry

  • Henry Ford is the Real Bad Guy Here?

    So… Hitler is seen as the devil in the flesh, yet Henry Ford is still seem with admiration … even though, the anti Jewish sentiment of Ford *DIRECTLY INSPIRED* Hitler? Henry Ford — “On the International Jew”— Why ford anti Jewish Why isn’t ford seen as such a bad guy then Why Hitler like ford

  • Hitler on Henry Ford

    What did he say about Ford Hmm… Adolf Hitler had a well-documented admiration for Henry Ford, the American industrialist and founder of the Ford Motor Company. This admiration was largely due to Ford’s pioneering role in mass production and his anti-Semitic views, which Hitler shared. Hitler mentioned Ford in his book “Mein Kampf” and even…