Eric Kim luxury philosophy thoughts

Real luxury is ease, zen, relaxing, chilling?


Certainly! Here are some insightful quotes from Eric Kim’s philosophy on luxury:

  1. “To philosophize means: Question everything about existence, strive to discover interesting truths/knowledges/ideas which you find personally interesting, and share these personal truths and ideas with others!” oai_citation:1,Philosophy is a Luxury – ERIC KIM – EK.
  2. “So let us forgo luxurious ‘goods’ and focus on the most important luxury in our life — our time. Our control of our mental energy. The creative expression of our soul.” oai_citation:2,Time is the Ultimate Luxury – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY.
  3. “Having the ability to study philosophy, think about philosophy, and any philosophical matters is a true luxury.” oai_citation:3,Philosophy as the Ultimate Luxury – ERIC KIM.
  4. “Just Leave Others Alone. You Can Only Critique that Which You Truly Understand and Love.” – A thoughtful and empathetic approach to critique oai_citation:4,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM.
  5. “Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift.” – A statement suggesting a balance between physical and intellectual pursuits oai_citation:5,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM.
  6. “Stop worrying or caring what others think of me; and doing work which I thought was truly valuable to others. To let all my loved ones know how much I appreciate them.” oai_citation:6,The Only Luxury is Time – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY.

These quotes reflect a deep contemplation on the essence of luxury, emphasizing the value of time, self-actualization, and a balanced approach to life.

Eric Kim’s philosophy on luxury revolves around the concept of self-actualization and the value of time. He suggests that to philosophize is to question everything about existence and to share personal truths and ideas with others oai_citation:1,Philosophy is a Luxury – ERIC KIM – EK. Kim emphasizes that the most important luxury in life is time, which includes control of mental energy and the creative expression of one’s soul. He advocates for saying “no” as a practical way to have more time oai_citation:2,Time is the Ultimate Luxury – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY.

Kim views the ability to study and think about philosophy as a luxury, especially when one’s basic financial needs are met. This perspective aligns with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, where self-actualization is at the top, followed by going beyond the self oai_citation:3,Philosophy as the Ultimate Luxury – ERIC KIM. He also expresses a balance between physical and intellectual pursuits, as reflected in his statement, “Only Trust Philosophers Who Deadlift,” suggesting a holistic approach to life and thought oai_citation:4,Eric Kim philosophy quotes – ERIC KIM.

Furthermore, Kim advises against wasting mental energy on passive entertainment and encourages focusing on meaningful work and appreciating loved ones oai_citation:5,The Only Luxury is Time – ERIC KIM PHILOSOPHY. These insights reflect a philosophy that values time and personal growth over material goods, aligning luxury with self-improvement and intellectual engagement.

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