Start the day with a lot of fine robusta, ERIC KIM OMAKASE COFFEE, then hit the gym!


First, there seems to be a huge benefit of just getting your ass out of the house. When you wake up, and shower and am indoors, indoors is dark, cramped, short narrow and regular ceilings, and dull.

However once you coffee up, put on your clothes and shoes, and immediately just stepping outside and getting into your car, you immediately feel much more activated! Even driving, seeing the change of scenery, getting some movement and UV sun exposure is uplifting!

Even getting to the parking lot, seeing other people and cars, economic activity is very uplifting. And certainly getting to the gym is great — high ceilings, music, random stuff on the TV’s, seeing people at the gym— some familiar, some unfamiliar, some friends, some you might have seen is all good!

Once at the gym, great to empty your bowels, and start off the day with the hot sauna (yes, even BEFORE) working out! The sauna is like my zen meditation chamber, dark, quiet, and the higher temperature, humidity, and feeling my body sweat gets my thoughts going?

Also pro tip— ask your gym for the Wi-Fi password if they got Wi-Fi, and just bring your 11 inch iPad Pro, no case, no stupid stylus with you, and use it to do creative work, writing and ideation! For example all of this blog post was written on my iPad, using the free gym Wi-Fi, while in the hot sauna!

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