November 2022

Don’t save it

Maybe it is a good idea to not save the box, or the container. Just throw it away.


Big files are very difficult to transfer, export, move, upload, etc.

Good Ego, Bad Ego.



Ego is bad when it prevents you from attempting the great:

When is the ego good? When you could yield it like an instrument or a sword to pursue your desired ends. When is ego bad? When your ego prevents you from attempting great things, because you are afraid of fear of failure, or afraid of the fact that others will ridicule you.

What is the best way to become insanely great? Do not be afraid of being a laughingstock, maybe, it might be a good idea to positively try to become a laughingstock. This is a good way to become more courageous.

In other words, become the jester, or the clown, but with insanely high self-confidence, testosterone, and balls.

Productive Anger

Anger is not an emotion which should be expiated (to get rid of). Instead, I think the wise thing is to intelligently leverage your anger in productive ways.

Suggestions versus imperatives

I like the idea that you could give people suggestions, with a good heart. And a good spirit. What I hate is when people give you “advice“, and it is denigrating.

Lesson: When you feel like it, offer other people helpful suggestions, but don’t do it with a denigrating or pretentious air.

When jaywalking is safer

An interesting irony I’ve discovered in life; often times, to jaywalk is actually more safe than to cross at the standard intersection with the traffic lights. Why is this? Because if you are jaywalking, you know that you’re putting yourself in a dangerous situation, and therefore, you’re more highly attentive to prevent yourself from getting run over.

With traffic lights, or standard intersections, you might be less cautious, because you feel over safe with the traffic lights. You might be more likely to cross the street while texting, or while distracted.

But, we should put no faith in traffic lights or crosswalks or intersections. Why? Most drivers themselves are distracted, texting while driving, etc.

Over or Under?


Better to be over than under.

For example, better to be over caffeinated than under caffeinated. Also from a economic perspective, better for things to be over priced than under priced.

Also, from a weightlifting perspective, better to attempt to lift a weight you consider over your abilities, rather than something under your abilities.

Over powered is better than under powered. Also, with your kid, or life, better to be overly cautious than underly cautious.

This is also the wisdom of wearing a face mask, better to be overly cautious than under.

The lesser evil?

Choosing something because it is a “lesser evil”, or “lesser bad“, doesn’t make sense. Both are bad. Who was worse, Stalin or Hitler? Both were evil. Opt for neither.

Fuck it, don’t be a hippie.

It is true that all these corporate things are bad for us, but fuck it. There are more important things in life.

Takeaway point: everything is bad for us. Even the “good“ things.

Never buy anything cheap

Because you will be stuck with it!!

Instead just buy a few very very expensive things and use the shit out of them! This applies to clothes, devices, glasses, cars etc.

Divine Discontent

How to positively channel dissatisfaction and discontent for a positive end.


More money or more time?

In life, what would you prefer? To have more money, or more time?

What happens when you have more money than time? Lots of stuff being purchased on Amazon.

This is the irony I have discovered about child rearing, a lot of people try to make more money, in order to “provide for their family“. But the irony is that the more you work, the less time you actually have to be one-on-one with your child. And there is no better trainer for your child than yourself.

Once again, do you want to work the 95 job, and have to send your kid to daycare, or have a stranger look after your kid? Or would you prefer to have a more flexible work schedule, in order for you to maximize your one on one time with your kid?

Numbers are bad

If we based everything on numbers, McDonald’s would be the worlds best restaurant, and Starbucks would be the worlds best coffee shop.

Or the worlds best car would be a Toyota Corolla. It isn’t.

The intelligence of LCD screens for marketing

The problem with printed matter is that we easily tire of it. For example, whenever I go to the Lululemon store, and all of the marketing images are the same, and the same “brand ambassadors” and images. What would be more effective is just having a bunch of LCD screens, and you could easily change the creatives and marketing images.

The Philosophy of Weightlifting

Some thoughts on my mind; why lift weights, and what is the point of lifting weights?

For me, I treat weightlifting light Zen meditation. I never work out with headphones on,

Why is everybody so into the business of others?

My thought; the reason why so many people gossip about other people, or into the business of other people is that because they themselves lack some sort of focus or goal.

It is like a self-ennui, or a self boredom. We ourselves or so bored of ourselves that we are more interested in the latest celebrity gossip, or into the last controversial thing that Kanye West said.

The contradictory thing in America is that it is considered a vice to be self-absorbed, self-centered, or even self focused. To be into oneself is considered bad. Yet, it is OK to gossip about politics, or other people.

My thought: don’t talk about other people. Only talk about yourself or your own thoughts or what you believe in.

Become more into yourself than others.

The Philosophy of the Body

Something on my mind is in regards to the human body. Specifically, our own human body.

First of all, why is it that everyone is trying to control our body? Why can we not control our own body?

Conspiracy theorists screaming illuminati, they cannot imagine this much skill in a human body – JAY Z

What is interesting is that everyone is insecure about their own body, and their own human skill. When we see somebody who we see as superior to us, we try to figure out ways how they are “cheating“. How is it that they are so much stronger than me, or buffer than you? Certainly they must be doing steroids or some other weird stuff.

Or, how did that guy get so rich? He probably either has a small dick or cheated his way to earning that much money.

How people try to discount you

One of the funniest critiques that I’ve got of myself is this, Eric Kim is only successful because he is good at marketing. I find this to be a very funny thought, because in fact in today’s capitalist society, marketing is success.

I like the idea that we could all thrive together. That reality is not zero-sum.

For example, we can all get super strong and swole together. Just because I am super buff doesn’t mean that you are less buff. Everyone has different levels of buffness during different periods of time.

For example, after the birth of Seneca, I became a lot less buff. Why? Typical sleep deprivation the first six months of Seneca‘s life, until we sleep trained him by using the extinction method. Essentially just let your kid cry it out.

Now that Seneca is one year nine months old, and naps and sleep like a champ, now I could frequent the gym again, and get super super swole, hyper swole.

Why I support abortion

If I was born a woman, I would want to have the legal right for an abortion.

I think if men could give birth, the laws will be a lot different.

The tricky thing is it in America, we have the freedom of speech and expression, I don’t necessarily know if we have the freedom of body. That is, freedom of our own body.

I really really despise the notion that somebody else could control your body.

For example, I am a carnivore. Also, I do not eat carbs, sugar, starchy things or sweet things. I do not eat fruit, nor do I eat starchy vegetables.

I would hate if I lived in a society in which I was forced to eat vegan food, and it was illegal for me to eat meat.

This is the funny flipside of tyranny; why is it that vegans are trying to get everybody to stop eating meat, but no carnivores are trying to get vegans to stop eating kale and quinoa?

Body tyranny?

Nowadays we have notions of “body acceptance”, etc. I think this is a good thing.

What we must be careful of is when there are certain individuals who try to get everybody to look a certain way, or not look a certain way. People should be able to do with their bodies whatever they want to do.

For example, if people want to drink Coca-Cola zero and get fat, and get diabetes, and be or become overfat and obese, it should be their right.

What I am more concerned is the public aspect, should we allow evil corporations like Coca-Cola and Pepsi to put vending machines inside or public K-12 schools? I say no. Even the “zero calorie”, stuff, it is all a scam. It is my personal theory that even 0 cal sweetener drinks like Coke zero messes with your bodily hormonal and insulin signaling system causing you to store adipose tissue, a.k.a. fat.

Smoking is also another public concern. I think people should be able to smoke cigarettes inside their own home if they want to. This changes once they step outdoors. I do not ever want to take into secondhand smoke or somebody smoking outdoors or in public. This should be illegal.

Back to the body

I do not believe in the notion of an immortal soul. My personal belief is that when you die, your soul also dies.

Then what is the soul? My empirical view is that the soul is simply a mishmash of your blood, blood flow, bones and sinews, your brain, and the electricity flowing through your body. Your soul does not exist outside your body, your body is your soul.

Therefore, we should take pride in our bodies, our egos, and sense of self. Why? It is all that we got.

Also, I like to think that we are an instrument. An instrument for art and creation, and making stuff.

For example, I consider myself an instrument for making art, ideas, and things. And it is my self appointed duty to share it with the world.


Can you do great things if you only sleep two hours a night? No. It is my personal thought that anything which is done during or out of sleep deprivation is not great.

Great things should be created out of a surplus of physiological energy and power. As a simple thought, what if you just went to bed every night at 7:30 PM, and woke up naturally in the morning when your body prompted you, instead of forcing yourself to wake up early in the morning with an alarm clock?

Why is it that we discount sleep so much? It is this foolish American notion that the more pain one suffers, the more virtuous one is. Is this the case? No. Pleasure in pain is a slave mentality.

Why is this thought so persistent? Because in America, we are essentially a Judeo Christian, Protestant nation. The founding fathers of America were either Puritans or Quakers, essentially protestants that sought salvation, and virtue. Benjamin Franklin, although he seemed to be atheist, a lot of his life philosophies was a mishmash of Quaker ideals, and the glorification of labor and the virtue of hard work.

But a thought, if something is created, and it is not hard, is it still virtuous? Sometimes yes sometimes not. There are many things in life that you could do which are virtuous, which actually do not require much effort.

Once again, we must get rid of this bizarre equation that the harder you work, the more virtuous you are.

Virtue and the body?

Can you imagine a skinny fat Superman? No.

Despite what our current “woke“ ideology tells us, there are levels and a hierarchy when it comes to the human body. For example, having less body fat and more muscle mass will be superior to a body with more body fat, and less muscle mass.

Also, something which is not fair but true, the virtue of a man is highly contingent on how tall he is. Short men do not appear virtuous.

And this is what I have noticed, every man, if he is short, has some sort of insecurity bias. This includes Kanye West, Eminem, etc.

But if you were born short, what are you to do? Typically what men strive to do is to marry some really really tall and beautiful woman, typically models, and they have children with them. And then the hope is that their next generation of children will be taller than them.

I am around 5 foot 11, and it is my aspiration that Seneca is far taller than me. Also stronger, more muscular, and more self-confident.

What does it mean to be a man?

It seems that the notion of virtue and manliness go hand-in-hand. Virtue just means human excellence, typically reserved for men.

In ancient Greek times, what was the highest measure of virtue? Courage, strength, and skill in battle. If you were the king, it was your obligation to stand on the front lines, and be the first to charge into battle, regardless of whether you lived or died. The leader and the king and the hero actually put himself at the most physical risk.

For example, it is difficult to imagine a King Leonidas all the way in the back of his Spartan 300s, controlling some sort of drone.

What do you desire to do with your body?

It seems that most people in modern capitalist society seek to prostitute their bodies and their minds in order to make more money. This is not just men or women, it is human.

For example, if you decide to join a bank, in the pursuit of making a lot of money, and you spend 12 to 14 hours a day in the office, clicking a mouse and pushing a keyboard, you are prostituting your body and your mind for money.
Or, if your existence has something to do with utilizing your bodily orifices to make money, one must consider the consequences.

In ancient Greek times, the peak condition wasn’t wealth, it was otium or leisure. Or battle.

In fact, nobody cares how many oxen or cattle king Priam owned, or how many tripods of gold he owned. We much more admired Achilles, and his bloodthirsty hunger for battle. Or we admire the virtue of Hector, sticking his own personal life to protect His people.

The very interesting thought is according to Homer, Achilles and Hector were both seen as equally virtuous. Even though Achilles was the superior fighter. And also because Achilles was a demigod, whereas Hector was a mere human.

So what can you control?

I think in life, the courage you’re willing to risk in order to further your own personal mission. Also, your own personal courage to remain tenacious in that which you care for.


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