Intolerance in Society

A sociological and philosophical thought on my mind is in regards to tolerance, and health. For example, smoking. In the past, society was very open and even favored towards smoking. Now, smoking is seen as intrinsically bad and evil, and is dealt with heavy dollops of shame. It almost seems that all smokers know that they “need to quit“, and now in public places, and most restaurants, and certainly airplanes, smoking is prohibited and illegal.

Why do I hate smoking so much? For me as a kid growing up, my dad was a heavy smoker. Even though he smoked outside, he would still reek of it, and sometimes the secondhand smoke would creep into the house. It is probably one of the most hated smells that I have, and whenever I see anybody who smokes, I almost see them as subhuman.

However in America, we live in a free society. I believe that any individuals should have the right to smoke indoors, in their own home, if they desire. However, the issue is when it comes to the public; should people be allowed to smoke outdoors? It depends. If you live in a crowded apartment complex, should you allowed be allowed to smoke on your own patio, given that the tail winds will probably push some of that smoke into your neighbors house? I would say no. Maybe apartment complexes should have strict rules prohibiting smoking on their patio, or even near the entrance. That their smoking is only permitted indoors.

Or better yet, perhaps there should only be apartment complexes which only allow smokers. Similar to what they have as “pet friendly“ complexes. Maybe it is best to just group the degenerates together.

What changes once you’re a parent

One of my most distasteful experiences was when I was in this really nice hotel, at the outdoors pool, and I saw this one lady smoking by the pool. The thought of having my son be exposed to secondhand smoke, or inhale it, was beyond tolerable. Instead of asking the lady to stop smoking, I simply took Seneca and walked away and did something else instead. And then I told the hotel staff to make it a policy that smoking is not allowed anywhere on the hotel complex, and also submitted one of my very rare one star reviews on Google Maps.

When you’re a parent and you have a kid, it is beyond your own preferences. It becomes your duty and role to protect your kids, to be their avenger and defender. Why? They don’t know any better. Also, they lack the linguistic and social power that we adults have.

How do things in society become untolerated?

One example, rap music and hip-hop. As a kid growing up, in the 90s and 2000s, it was very very common for rappers to be openly anti-gay and homophobic. To call someone “gay“, or “a fag“, or a “faggot” was very common. However now, this is not the case. There are lots of now openly gay or LGBTQ rappers, like Frank Ocean. Because they are so respected in the community, not even Eminem is allowed to throw out anti-gay slurs, without having to be forced to put out an apology letter.

First theory; one must have the courage to be the prime mover, the first person to be courageous, and make a stand.

Or another words, a single person can spark a movement, and spark a change. Then society catches up.

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