November 2022

Photo Storytelling

How to tell stories through your photos?

Some sort of movement, activity through a certain series or sequencing of photos. Also make it personal.

A bit of the unknown, mystery.

Photo Existentialism

Structure your life for photography.

If the thing doesn’t aid you in your photography or photographic endeavors, dismiss it.


At the end of it all, what’s the significance of being alive and existence? I say your life is a tool and a path to make artistic and creative photos, and to share and publish them!

The land of plenty

Just walking by Costco, America truly is the land of plenty. But, what do you do with that plenteousness?

More stuff, more responsibilities

Also, the more stuff you have, the less freedom have. Why? The more responsibilities you have, the less personal freedom you have . And freedom is King


Expose as much of your bodily flash as possible, without breaking the law. For guys, short shorts, and tank tops. Or when it is allowed, topless and shirtless.

Become more flesh forward. Flesh loving.

How to conquer Jetlag

Just came back from South Korea back to LA, and some thoughts on jet lag:

First of all, when you arrive back home, don’t eat anything until 6 PM. At 6 PM, eat unlimited kimchi and pork belly. Or beef or pork ribs.

Also during the day, try to walk outside and get some sunlight, and also drink a bunch of water. And drink a bunch of coffee in the morning and afternoon.

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