Cindy massage hand ERIC KIM


What do we desire? Camera zen. What is camera zen? To just have one camera, one lens you can always depend on… and always shoot, without thinking about another camera … but the camera you’re shooting with.

Thanks Bellamy

Camera zen is an idea I get from my friend Bellamy Hunt ( The gist:

Finding your camera zen is bliss … because many of us are so infected with GAS (gear acquisition syndrome).

For me, my camera bliss and zen is RICOH GR III. Paired with ERIC KIM WRIST STRAP MARK II, you’re set.

I just shoot small jpeg, in program (P) mode, auto ISO, and the default autofocus. It is literally point and shoot. While I miss the flash of RICOH GR II, in some ways the Ricoh GR III is simpler — without having the option of a flash, I just shoot without thinking (“should I shoot with a flash or not?”). Also, I’ve been focusing more on natural light and exposure compensation, which has been good for me creatively.

Cindy massage hand ERIC KIM
Providence, 2021 #cindyproject

Photography is the ultimate goal

Ultimately it isn’t about achieving camera zen— I think the more supreme goal is to just focus on your photography and shooting — to shoot much, with great enthusiasm, with great vigor, and to not blame our camera for our lack of photographic productivity. Perhaps to not blame ourselves at all — but to just create images joyfully and enthusiastically, just like a child!