How to Market Yourself

Get the people going and moving:

1. To become part of a pre-existing market, or to create a *new* market?

Street Photography Starter Kit

Silicon Valley talks a lot about ‘product-market fit’ which means:

Make sure your product fits your desired market.

But the problem:

What if the market doesn’t yet exist?

Then in this case, you utilize your Nietzscheian will to *CREATE* a new market. What I did for street photography and street photography workshops. When I started this blog in 2010, the thought of being a ‘full-time’ street photographer was a non-concept. I thought it was very impractical to make a ‘full time living’ from photography. But I just got lucky — I made this blog, got made redundant from my job in 2011, and in 2011, I decided to pursue this blog and workshops full-time. And I have succeeded the last 9 years!

How did I win? Simple:

I am insanely passionate about photography, street photography, blogging, sharing ideas/wisdom/lessons.

I then just don’t censor myself. I keep streaming myself, my thoughts and ideas. It is easy to me!

2. How to create a new market

First question:

How much do you care?

If you care a shit-load, then just keep doing it. Simple as that. Brutal force.

If you are starting off from zero or scratch, I still feel that blogging is the way. 90% of your focus on blogging, and 10% on YouTube. Best for people to discover you ‘organically’ through Google Search, YouTube search, or from word-of-mouth.

And go *BEYOND* ‘search engine optimization’. Go for ‘cHuman Optimization (HO), *NOT* Search Engine Optimization (SEO)‘. Create things that would be optimally useful for REAL HUMAN BEINGS!