To become rich is ironic; to spurn wealth. That means:
You’re rich enough to *NOT* care about money.
Or like my friend Soren says; money is no longer your god-value.
1. Spurn wealth
The first thing:
Don’t make money your god-value.
Instead, make your physiological body your god-value. Never stop gaining muscle (GAINS ABOVE ALL) as Soren says.
The park is free. The best price! Go to the park and strive to do these feats of strength:
- Muscle up
- Rock toss
- Planche
- Etc
If your park has rings, do it!
2. Own a few things, but make sure they are of the apex quality; I got gifted 2 Black Merino Wool T-shirts from my friend Kevin, and I have worn them every single day for the last 3 years (ever since Vietnam). I will never wear another T-Shirt ever again.
For boxers, ExOfficio boxer briefs (medium, black) seem ideal.
If you gotta wear socks, Merino Wool is good.
The key is this:
The new elitism is owning a few things, but of apex quality.