What’s the Best Lens and Focal Length for Street Photography?

I believe the best lens for street photography is a 28mm lens. Why? Let me share my thoughts:

Ultimate versatility


28mm is the ultimate versatile lens. Not too wide, not too close. I’ve shot a lot with 35mm (not always wide enough) and 24/21mm (often too wide). 28mm is the golden median, which tends more toward the wide angle (which is good for dynamism in street photography).

The fun challenge of making a street photography from a far distance with a 28mm lens

A fun challenge for myself — shooting from a distance with a 28mm and still trying to make a “viable” photo:

Shooting vertical

28mm shooting vertical is dynamic and fun. This photo from Cuba:

Abstracted with different colors, to emphasize the arabesque shape:


Making of in iPad and Procreate:

28mm options

RICOH GR III with integrated 28mm lens

This seems the best combination for street photography.

It is wide enough?

28mm is wide enough. I very rarely find any situations in street photography in which 28mm wasn’t enough for the streets:

I like this composition — extreme left composition:

See the subject — he’s 25% of the frame:

The division:


More personal analyses:

Animated GIF:

Keep it simple

One camera, one lens. Ideal is just a RICOH GR III.

If you got another camera, just get a prime 28mm lens and call it a day and shoot!