How to Create a Photo Collage

collage cindy and eric

As I see my evolution unfold before me as a photographer– I am starting to think BEYOND single-images that get lots of likes on social media. Instead, I am very interested in this notion of creating image-collages — a visual tapestry of images.

1. WordPress and ’tiled gallery’

A simple solution is to use, and use the ’tiled gallery’ feature. This is what I use to automatically have my images collage into a nice little format as seen below:

I currently am hosting my website on, and using with the WordPress ‘Jetpack’ plugin — which also allows me to use the ’tiled gallery’ function.

2. Which photos should I include in my collage?

Honestly– do whatever you want! For myself, I like to select images which put a smile on my face.

Simple ways you can also categorize your photo-collages:

  1. Location: For example, all photos from a certain city like all photos from Mexico City or Saigon. Or you can expand it to include all photos from a country (like my ONLY IN AMERICA project).
  2. Mood: Select photos which evoke a similar mood (usually I categorize this based on the camera I shoot with, with or without flash, and the color tones).
  3. Thematic concept: For my SUITS project — I included photos of men in suits, all looking and feeling miserable. My thematic notion was simple: Create a photo project which tells the viewer, ‘Money doesn’t buy you happiness– we must discover happiness somewhere else.’

3. Consistency and variety

I think when you are making a photo-collage, we want to keep things visually interesting for yourself and for your viewer. A simple strategy is this:

Include images which look visually similar, yet look visually dissimilar.

For example what you can do:

  1. Include photos all shot with the same camera (but of different subject-matter).
  2. Have photos of all the similar composition, but with all different cameras.
  3. Photograph the same subject-matter (all men in suits), but in different scenarios/situations.
  4. Shoot all the same aesthetic (all monochrome high contrast photos), but with different things you photograph.