The Apex of Human Activity is to Make Art!

My thought —

The ultimate end or apex activity is for us to make art!

And the ultimate state for us to achieve is to become a hybrid of both philosopher AND artist.

The spirit of play

I think the best impetus to the spirit of artwork is play. To me, artwork which isn’t created in a spirit of play isn’t worthwhile.

Why art?

I define “art” in a very general sense. To me, anything you create with intention and soul is artwork.

For example I have a passion for creating products, and I derive deep joy from creating what I consider works of art. I put my design sense and soul into what I design and create — and thus, my art works are a manifestation of who I am as a person, and how I see and interact/engage with the world.

Artistic power as the greatest power

It seems that the ultimate power is artistic power.

I know for myself when I’m making art, I’m the happiest, most fulfilled, and the most concentrated. It seems to be the optimal mode of being.

So my simple goal is this:

To spend the maximal portion of my day in an artistic and creative flow.

To me, this is the apex of human happiness, and individual thriving.

Thrive and make on!