Adam and god hands. Michelangelo

Why Study Art?

Study art to inspire yourself to make your own art!

Download PDF: Study art to inspire you to make your own art

Adam and god hands. Michelangelo

Dear friend,

A simple idea and concept: study art not for the sake of studying art to feel “cultured”, but study art to inspire yourself to make your own art!

Adam and god hands. Michelangelo

This is my thinking:

It’s always so funny to me that when people travel, especially to Europe or Rome, they feel obliged to go to museums, exhibitions, and art galleries. It’s one of those things that nobody ever questions. Why study art?

I think generally speaking, it’s “fomo” (fear of missing out). People are afraid that they might only have one time in their lifetime to see the Sistine chapel, so they must go there while they’re there! Or to go to the Louvre because they don’t know when the next time they will visit Paris. They’re also afraid that their friends and family will chastise them for not seeing famous landmarks and artworks.

Adam and god hands. Michelangelo

A lot of us say that we want to see these famous art galleries and pieces of art to be “inspired”. But— inspired to do what?

I think generally people say stuff like, “Oh, to appreciate it.” Or “learn about history”. But to me, these answers aren’t specific or thought out enough.

Adam and god hands. Michelangelo Study

I’m not criticizing people for not having “good” answers to the question, “Why see/experience/study art”. I just don’t think most of us ever have the time to first of all study art (we are too busy toiling away at our jobs), secondly we don’t have the opportunity to even philosophize or reflect about art. Or thirdly, we don’t feel authoritative or legitimate enough to critique, comment on art, because we didn’t go to art school.

But friend, I encourage you to ask yourself,

Why am I interested in art? What functional purpose does art have for me? How would I define art? Do I think there is good or bad art? If so, what constitutes good or bad art? Do I think I’m an artist? If so, do I see myself as a good or bad artist, and why?

For myself, I have a much more democratic form and view on art, similar to that of Joseph Beuys, who believed that anyone and everyone is an artist, as long as they do whatever they do, or create whatever they create, intentionally and with purpose to help empower society as a whole!

So, why study art?

My answer:

Study art to inspire yourself to make your own art.

As children we are all born as creators. I think we’re happiest when we’re actively making stuff. We feel more control in our lives, more autonomy, and more joy.

Let’s not worry (for now) whether our artwork is good or bad. Let’s just ask ourselves whether we’re having fun or not, whether we’re challenging ourselves or not, and whether we’re making stuff that has the purpose to help motivate, inspire, and empower others.

And yes, if you make photos (which is nearly everyone now), you are an artist.


Masters of Art