How to Respark Your Creative DNA


Dear friend,

You got all the creative DNA you need to make you fly to the next level!

Embrace child’s mind

Do you remember when you were a kid, and you created without worries or concerns about what others thought about you or your work? Embrace that ‘child’s mind‘ — and create without hesitation, and without any friction!


All of us is born with creative DNA. Picasso said,

We are all born as artists. The problem is staying an artist as we get older.

Picasso painted, made sculptures, made photos, and made an average of 1-2 art objects (EVERY DAY!) until he died in his 90’s.

But what is getting in the way of our creative flow? I think the enemy is Facebook, Instagram, and news-feed algorithms.


I do believe it is nice to be a part of a community, to share your artwork and get feedback. This is why we made ERIC KIM FORUM: your home to get meaningful feedback on your work.

Also, I find that #buybooksnotgear is a good way to invest in your own creative stimulus. Epic mobile editions of books I recommend to re-spark your creative stimulus:

  1. MASTERS Volume I
  2. 30 Days to Jumpstart Your Photography!
  3. HOW TO SEE: Visual Guide to Composition, Color, & Editing in Photography
  4. STREET HUNT: Street Photography Field Assignments Manual Mobile Edition


So this is the problem: with Facebook or Instagram, they have a ‘news feed algorithm’. This means the following: to maximize the amount of likes, views, and ‘engagement’ you get, you need to do the following:

  1. Don’t post too often, or else you will get penalized.
  2. Don’t post more than once a day (optimal)
  3. Don’t post too much; or else you will get penalized.
  4. If you want more people to see your posts, make sure you respond to all the comments people give you!
  5. The algorithm programs you to think and behave differently. For example, over time you train yourself and get trained to know which posts/photos get liked a lot. Then you will start only creating/producing/sharing photos that will be popular. Thus, your creative potential is compromised.

Yes, you are an artist!


If you like to make photos, you’re an artist– end of story.

Don’t let haters, nay-sayers, or negative folks hold you down. You were meant to fly high!

Express your CREATIVE DNA in any way! Make photos, make films, dance, sketch, draw, write poetry, and make beats!

The biggest creative kick I’ve been getting recently is making movies, films, and videos. I think there is a ‘cross-pollination’//cross-over between photography and film. I think all photographers can benefit from studying film and cinema, especially directors like Stanley Kubrick, and Akira Kurosawa.

Composition from anywhere and everywhere!

I have also been super inspired by compositions in film; this is a good chance to give me a creative stimulus to make new photos! Consider all the epic shots, compositions, layers, and musical scores that ignite your creative DNA!

Creative Assignments

To re-spark your creative DNA, try these things:

  1. Watch great cinema. I recommend watching ‘7 Samurai’ by Akira Kurosawa, AKIRA (animated film), anything by Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli), and 2001 Space Odyssey. ‘All the Money in the World‘ is also a great recent film.
  2. Make your own photography slideshow in iMovie, and use free BEATS BY KIM to add to your slideshows.
  3. Make a short film with your phone, digital camera, whatever. Then upload it to YouTube. To learn how to make your own YouTube channel, enroll in my ‘Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship‘ course on UDEMY to learn more YouTube strategies.

BE BOLD, and fully-express your CREATIVE DNA!

Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship

Take your photography to the next level with ‘Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Photography Entrepreneurship‘ course on UDEMY.