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15 Practical, Fun, and Creative Photography Assignments to Reinspire You

Practical, fun, and creative photography assignments to reinspire you:

  1. Shoot everything at -2 exposure compensation for a day.
  2. Shoot everything prefocused to .7 meters (3 feet) for an entire week.
  3. Only shoot with an iPad or tablet for a weekend.
  4. Only shoot JPEG for a month (not to get distracted with RAW and post processing).
  5. Only shoot tilted horizons (Dutch angle) for a week.
  6. Shoot photos of all the food you eat for a week, but make the food look disgusting (try using a flash).
  7. Everyday, shoot one artistic selfie of yourself in the mirror, of your shadow, only using the front-facing lens.
  8. Only take photos inside your home for a weekend.
  9. Buy 4 disposable film cameras, and shoot an entire roll of film every week (finish 1 camera per week), and then print out all your photos, and make a small photo album of your favorite photos at the end.
  10. Make a magazine (“zine”) using blurb.con with your favorite 30 photos. Print 10 copies, and give them away for free to friends, family, and your photography colleagues.
  11. Make a photography slideshow with your favorite 100 photos (2 seconds per photo) and upload it to YouTube.
  12. Start your own photography website portfolio, blog, or YouTube channel.
  13. Imitate a famous master photographer for a month.
  14. Trace and sketch your favorite photographs with the iPad or iPhone and Procreate app
  15. Delete your Instagram, and start all over again (or better yet, keep your Instagram deleted) and focus on building your own website.

More inspirational street photography assignments with STREET HUNT >

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