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Eric Kim eye, with flash. Shot by Cindy Nguyen

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Elegance. Eric Kim umbrella composition Bauhaus. Annette Kim / haptic industries

When you join ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER, you will gain access to:

  • A curated list of free ebooks
  • The best resources on how to improve your photography
  • The first to access new information and educational tools such as the Forum photography community
  • The latest news about workshops, opportunities, HAPTIC products, and photography news

Join and receive the Newest Street Photography Visualizations

FREE Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Street Photography: How to Overcome Fears of Photographing Strangers
FREE Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Street Photography: How to Overcome Fears of Photographing Strangers


New from HAPTIC: Street Photography Visualizations made by ANNETTE KIM:

  1. How to Conquer Your Fears in Street Photography
  2. What to Look For When Shooting in the Streets – Available exclusively through the Eric Kim Newsletter

Signup for the ERIC KIM NEWSLETTER, and gain access to the full-resolution PDF files to carry with you on the go, to find inspiration anytime and anywhere.